
12 Commits over 121 Days - 0.00cph!

50 Days Ago
Fix some more fields only present on CLIENT - BasePlayer - MarketPlace - Demos - DemoItem - BaseEventUI - CardGameUI
50 Days Ago
Fix server compile error (keep door trigger box serializable)
50 Days Ago
Fix merge addition in Door.cs
50 Days Ago
Merge from main -> editor_compare_client_server_fields
52 Days Ago
Merge from main -> editor_compare_client_server_fields
5 Months Ago
CardPlayerData missed commit
5 Months Ago
NonSerialize ItemIcon.timedActionTime Climate (3 fields) Buoyancy.ArtificialHeight BasePlayer.firedProjectiles (pretty sure it wasn't serializing) WipeTimer.client_timeUntilWipe InstrumentKeyController.TimeInUse GlobalNetworkHandler.serverData Codelock.whitelistPlayers CameraMan.TargetEntity BasePet.inQueue Serialize UIInventory.underwearSkinPicker Crosshair (3 fields) BaseGameMode.corpseRemovalTime AutoTurret.attachedWeaponZOffsetScale LerpBetweenPointsBool.UseAsOffset (present in all monuments) Door (3 navmesh fields) BaseRidableAnimal (Dung fields) FogMachine.fuelPerSec
5 Months Ago
More improvements to "What fields is unity serializing"
5 Months Ago
NonSerialize BaseCombatEntity.lastDealtDamageTo
5 Months Ago
Refactor / ensure it ignores types that aren't marked as serializable
5 Months Ago
NonSerialize: - F15.blockTurningFor - LootContainer.FirstLooted - ModularCarSeat.associatedSeatingModule - UIChat.activeChannel - ShopFront.customerinventory - EasterBasket.lastCollectedIndex - HeldEntity.viewModel Move outside CLIENT or SERVER - MissionPoint.Flags
5 Months Ago
Editor tool to compare what fields are present for serialization in CLIENT vs SERVER mode because switching between CLIENT & SERVER causes long imports - switch to CLIENT - run `Tools/Cleanup/Dump Client Fields` - switch to SERVER - run `Tools/Cleanup/Dump Server Fields` ` run `Tools/Cleanup/Compare Fields`