
11 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

6 Months Ago
Merge from main
6 Months Ago
Added trike to office lift allowed list
6 Months Ago
Add pedal trike to vehicle whitelist
6 Months Ago
Stop the bouncy floor again
6 Months Ago
Re-enable clipping checks Allow bikes to bypass them the same as horses
6 Months Ago
Lift up elevator collider to prevent clipping - which in turn is unparenting bikes on the elevator
6 Months Ago
Increased elevator floor colliders Hopefully prevent clipping off elevators
6 Months Ago
Ensure static office lift and player lift have same whitelist
6 Months Ago
More debugging Added motorbike, side car, bicycle, drone and snowmobile to white list of parented vehicles
6 Months Ago
Created whitelist system to allow only certain vehicles to be accepted in an elevator
6 Months Ago
Allow vehicles to be parented to static elevators. Primarily affecting bikes, snowmobiles etc