
6 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

1 Year Ago
Fix right clicking clothing (hazmat) that conflicts with backpack slot (diving tank) not being equipped (because it tries to equip hazmat in backpack slot)
1 Year Ago
Fix hover looting items from storage while holding alt putting the items into your main inventory instead of equipping / swapping them
1 Year Ago
Fix right clicked items to wear using the first empty slot instead of the first conflicting slot (causing items to not swap slots correctly)
1 Year Ago
Try to unequip conflicting werables (equipping hazmat from hotbar when wearing hoodie + pants) into the main inventory first, then hotbar second
1 Year Ago
Increase delay when equipping clothing from hotbar from 0.2s -> 1.5s (to account for items actually swapping slots now)
1 Year Ago
Fix swapping items from inventory -> worn moving to the next free slot instead of swapping the items exactly