
34 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

1 Hour Ago
Compile fix
3 Hours Ago
Remove the Scene2Prefab components on the bbq, small refinery, furnace, large furnace and campfire prefabs in the LootPanels scene Changes made to these prefabs outside of this scene would be lost if we do a global S2P, sometimes leading to build breaking bugs
3 Hours Ago
Set local scale to 1,1,1 on various wooden_crate props - used in lots of places and both child renderers were set to 0.99999994 scale on one axis, preventing collapsing. Will need a global S2P to take effect everywhere
4 Hours Ago
Fixed trainyard as well
4 Hours Ago
Fixed missing launch site HLOD generation
5 Hours Ago
Merge from main
Fix some missing deploy guides
Fixed train tunnels not rendering properly on the map
3 Days Ago
Industrial crafter now correctly gets collapsed
3 Days Ago
Collapse process will now update an EmissionToggle on the same object as the RendererLOD to reference the newly created renderer (fixes electric furnace)
3 Days Ago
Don't collapse a RendererLOD if any renderer has children Fix some method names
3 Days Ago
Fix collapsed renderers briefly not having an assigned mesh immediately after PreProcess, fixes item skin previews not cropping properly
4 Days Ago
Compile fix
4 Days Ago
Fix coaling tower NRE (disable collapsing on light renderers for now)
4 Days Ago
Fixed skinned items missing materials when entering and exiting LOD range
4 Days Ago
Don't allow skinned mesh renderers to be collapsed
4 Days Ago
Fixed skinned beach chairs
4 Days Ago
Fixed storage adaptor
4 Days Ago
Fixed reversed search light
4 Days Ago
Fixed powered water purifier
4 Days Ago
Added DontCollapseRenderer gameobejct tag for a quick way to opt out of the collapse process Applied to industrial crafter
4 Days Ago
Fixed scale not being applied (this should also be fixed, disabling for now)
4 Days Ago
Fixed skull trophy error
4 Days Ago
Don't apply collapsing to renderers with rotated LOD transforms (we couple probably support this but disabling it easier for now)
4 Days Ago
Fixed RendererLOD collapsing disabled components (these technically don't work for lods at all and will never change their visual based on distance, so we should fix them) Enabled RendererLOD component on the vending machine
4 Days Ago
Merge from main
6 Days Ago
Compile fixes
6 Days Ago
Cleanup Added graphics.collapseRendererLOD to control new behaviour, defaults to true and game must be restarted after toggling for new setting to take effect
11 Days Ago
Support MaterialSetup component
11 Days Ago
Fixed collapse not working with skinned objects, not casting shadows
12 Days Ago
Various fixes, move to PrefabPreProcess so it gets run once per prefab
12 Days Ago
Another compile fix
12 Days Ago
Server compile fix
13 Days Ago
More memory optimisations - attempting to reduce the number of transforms/gameobjects/renderer components there are in the world by consolidating them into a single RendererLOD when possible eg. a RendererLOD has three child LODs all at 0,0,0 - this process caches the mesh and materials used at each LOD level and creates a new renderer/filter on the RendererLOD root and switches the mesh and materials when adjusting LODs. This allows us to delete the child transforms entirely. Process is entirely automatic and applied at runtime to all RendererLODs so no change to artist workflow. Some initial results: Launch site goes from 30,409 transforms to 21,131 Outpost goes from 11,850 -> 9,633 Harbor_1 goes from 17,233 -> 13,125 That's a total saving of over 15k transforms, renderers, filters just from three monuments!