
19 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

4 Months Ago
Fixed broken packing attributes
4 Months Ago
Implement the packed attribute: - Should we send this sync var itself or with all other sync vars - This allows the user to weigh up header cost of sending the sync var alone vs along with all other sync vars - Only sends this specific var if its dirty, whereas packed sync vars are all resend even if only one is dirty
4 Months Ago
wip: Kill sync var tick on object death
4 Months Ago
Clean debug text
4 Months Ago
wip: Automatically sync vars should any change. Uses a polling method for now: - Invoke poll in fixed repeat time - Syncvar handler no longer requires default value
4 Months Ago
Perform type checks on initial sync var generation pass
4 Months Ago
wip: Added bidirectional client -> server / server -> client var sync. Syncvars can be declared as chaving client authority
4 Months Ago
wip: working server -> client syncing
4 Months Ago
wip: Took me a day to realise there were seperate writer methods for client and server
4 Months Ago
Server receive methods - Setup testing - More logcs - Client sync var debugging
4 Months Ago
Setup both client and server send methods
4 Months Ago
Generated code compile errors
4 Months Ago
- Added sync var handlers to detect changes in sync vars - Generated at code gen - Overridable methods to check if should update and reset update checks
4 Months Ago
- Successfully made read/write serverside methods for any sync var contained inside an entity - Managed to remove variable ids and rely on constant ordering/reading (sync vars are now cheaper than RPCs bandwith wise) - Pack all sync vars into one packet (might need adjustment) - Cleaned up code - Fixed a bunch of generation errors
4 Months Ago
- Added sync var receive code gen (net read method infered from variable type) - Sync var pooled strings added to manifest
4 Months Ago
- SyncVar write and send methods - Start of codegen
4 Months Ago
- BaseNetworkable & EntityComponent methods - Remove ServerManager receive method for now - Fill out client receive method for sync var - Handle message case in Client.Connection
4 Months Ago
- Added attribute (toggleable client authority) - Limit SyncVars to a set of 14 specific types - Static helper methods
4 Months Ago
- Added packet id - Handle message case in ServerManager - Initial OnSyncVarMessage method