
119 Commits over 30 Days - 0.17cph!

2 Years Ago
Add missing skull material to skin (not used since it's a redirect skin but this should stop any asserts) Mark skull skin item as hidden so it doesn't appear in the admin item menu
2 Years Ago
ambience fix
2 Years Ago
▇▆▇ ▊▄ █▊▉ ▋▋▄▋▊▍ ▊▌ ▍ ▊▇▋▊▅▄▆█▊ ▊▉▊▌
2 Years Ago
Updated carvable pumpkin to make it more obvious it requires wood as a fuel source Phrases
2 Years Ago
▊▋▉▍▆▊▆▍▋▍▉▄▍█▋ ▆▅ █▊▆▋▇ ▊▇ ▍▆▆█▌▋ ▉█▌▇▌▊▆▇ █▆ ▌▌ ▋▋▌▉▄ ▇▍▍▄▇▌ █▇ ▇▅▅▄▍█▋▅▍ █▅▅▊▉▅▍▌▄█▇▍/▉▍█▇▆▌█▌▊▆▊. █▍█▉▅▆█▌▄▋▋▇ ▋█▇▋▌▄ ▆▆▇▄█▋ ▅▋▋▋▉▇▆▆▅▉▊▊ ▅▊▌ ▉▊▊▇▅▋▊▋▍▌ ▄▉▌█▄▆█.
2 Years Ago
frankenstein part info panel
2 Years Ago
Specified icons for Frankenstein table hold use menu.
2 Years Ago
▊▄█▄▌▉▍▇▌█ ▊▄▅█▊▌▉ ▆▄▇▋▊▋▇ ▊▉█ ▅█▆▄▇▊ ▋▌▊ ▆▊█ ▅▅█▊▅ ▋▇▆▄▋ ▍▇▍. ▅▋▋▍▆ ▅█ ▇▅▋▍▊█▆█▇▊ ▄▊▌ ▋▌▅▆ ▄▊▉▇▆██▉▌ ▅▆▌▍▌▇▄▆▄▄█▉ ▍▋ ▉▌▌▇▋▆▉▆ ▆▉▉▌▉▉▄▄▊▇
2 Years Ago
▉▆▆▋▅▇'▆ ▇▅▆ ▆▇▄▇ █▅▍█▍ ▍▍▆▋▆
2 Years Ago
Signs will now only re use the last rotation if the dialog is the same type as the previously opened dialog.
2 Years Ago
Possible fix for the bug Paddy found with uncarved pumpkins.
2 Years Ago
▍▆█▊▇ ▇█▇ ▅█▉▊▉▌▊▅ ▌▊▆▊▋▇▋ ▌▋ ▆▊ ▉▅▄▄█▉ ▄▇▇▇▆ ▇▅ ▅▅ █▋▍▌
2 Years Ago
Fixed redirect rock skins not being assigned correctly when respawning
2 Years Ago
include deployed layer in carvable pumpkin ground watch
2 Years Ago
profiling fix
2 Years Ago
Fix item name on skull skin Update skins list
2 Years Ago
frankenstein balance, loot balance, recycle balance
2 Years Ago
█▆▍▅▊ ▍▄▆▋▇ █▉▋ █▄▊▇█ █▇▊ ▊▆▄▄█▅█▇ ▆▍▉▆▇▉▇ ▄▌▊▉▍▆▉ ▄▄▄▌█▅▍▄▋▌▋▅ ▌▄▌▅ ▅▋▉▌ ██▌▇█▌ ▊▉█▋▌
2 Years Ago
AttackedAIEvent no longer triggers when a pet is attacked by its owner. Frankenstein defends itself in combat mode. Updated pet wheel descriptions.
2 Years Ago
ItemModPetStats can now change pet attack rate and damage.
2 Years Ago
profiling begin/end sample fixes
2 Years Ago
item speed modifier tweaks
2 Years Ago
dedicated pet process queue
2 Years Ago
▆▅▆▉▊▌▅▊▍ ▍▊▇█▇ ▇▇ ▆▆▉▇ ▉▄▍ ▆▄ ▉▉▆▌▇█ █▋▉ ▋▄ (▇▋▇▍▅ ▊▋ ▉▋▋▇ ▄▅▌█ ▌▇█ ▍▆▅ ▄▉▅▆▌▌▉█▆▉/▍▉▇▍▉▌▊▆▍ ▆█▉). ▆▆▉ ▅▍▍▊▄▆ ▉▉▌▇ ▆▆▊▆▌ ▆▄▉▅▇█▌▍▌.
2 Years Ago
Fixed pumpkin placement settings (deploy volume, building blocker, ground watch)
2 Years Ago
▉▉▄▊▉ ▍▄▅ ▋▊▍▇▆ ▊▄▊ █▊▇▌▇▌█▅▅▋▌▊▇▄ ▅▄▅▇▊'▊ ▍▊▌▌ ▆▅▊ █▄▋▆ ▌▆ ▊▇▋▌▊▅▋▄ ▌█ ▌▅█▌ ▋█ ▍▅▍
2 Years Ago
Improved tessellation method, added smaller brush, fixed dodgy placement.
2 Years Ago
Fixed displacement bug when multiple pumpkins are placed
2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
mark carvable_pumpkin_col read/write
2 Years Ago
Don't display armour info for NPC-only wearables. Item descriptions.
2 Years Ago
Frankenstein dmg increase
2 Years Ago
Frankenstein item names/desc
2 Years Ago
frankenstein sound updates + confused vocal
2 Years Ago
▅▊▉ █▆▊▍▉▆▆▇▍▌█▉ ▉▋▍▄▍ ▄▍▅█▋ ▄▋ ▄▌▊▋▊▍▅
2 Years Ago
▉▉▊▍▄ ▉▌▍█ ▊▆█▄▌▊▆▌_▊▌▆▅▆▍▍
2 Years Ago
█▇▍▅▆ ▄▄▍▍▆▆ ▇▆▋▌. ▋▅▅▋▋▊▆ ▆▉▋.
2 Years Ago
merge from navtest
2 Years Ago
▊▍▉▆▌ ▄▋▍▍ █▊▇▆▄█▋ ▊▆▌▇ ▇█▌▇▉█. ▋▇▍▍▌▇▊.▄▍▄ ▍▇ ▍▅▍▉█▄▉.▄▋... ▌▋▋█▄ ▋▉▉▆▅▅ ▋▇ ▇▇▍▍▉▇▋ ▆▅▇ ▌▇▇ ▋▇▋▄ ▌▌▉▋▌▉▆▉▌▉▅. ▉▊▍▋▊▉▋
2 Years Ago
▋▌▌ ▌▇▋ ▇▇▇▊▆ ▍▌▅▋▊▌▆▆▅
2 Years Ago
▋▄▋▍▍▊▄▌▉ ▅▆▄▄▅▊▆ ▅▄▊▆▉ ▊█ ▄▆▅▍▄▌▉▊▋▍▍▉▅██▇▅▅▇▆▄▇▇▋▅█▍▇ ▆▌▉▋ ▄ ▊▋ ▊
2 Years Ago
▅▋▄▊█▋▉▇▇▌▉▆▇▊▍▊▋▇▊▌▇▇▆▊▅█▄█ ▉▋▆ █▉▍ ▆▅▊▋▆▉█▄▊▍ ▋█▇▅▇ ▌▆▋▄ ▇▉ ▋▉ █▉▄ ▋▄ ▋▊▉▄ ▊▇█▌▄▄▅ ▄█▇▋▇▌▋▄ ▍▅▋██▇▅█ █▉▆▅▅
2 Years Ago
skull tool tweaks
2 Years Ago
skull rock item setup
2 Years Ago
█▌▇█ ▅▄▇▆▅ ▆█▊▍▍▅█ █▇▋▋ ▌▄█▋ ▌▊▌█▅▇▋▉▌▅ ▇▊█▉ ▇▆▇ ▊▆▄▌█▌ ▊▄ ▇▇█▇█▋▇ ▇▉ ▉▉▆▍▅▌ ▉▍▌▌▊█▍ ▍▍██▆▌█▍▇▋▆▇▌▄▆▅█▇▍▇▍▍▌▄ ▇▉ ▇▉▍▊ ▍▍ ▉▇▇▉▍ ▄█▉▍▉'▆ ▋▄▉▆ ▋▆▌▇ █▊▅ ▍▍▄▇▄ ▋█▍▄▊ ▌▆▌█▊ ▋▅▇▍██▇▊▅ ▄▌▆ ▊▆▄▆█ ▇▇▇▇█▉ ▄▋▄▍ ▉▉▍ ▋▋▋▄▉▊ ▍▉ ▆▋▊▆▍▇▆ ▉▌ ▊▍▇▇▍█▅▆▆ (▊▇▅▇ █▌▅▅▆▄█ ▉▊█▇▍▄ ▊▋ ▅▉▆▌ ▆▆▇▉▆▉▌ ▇▊▋ ▇▄▊ ▇▍▆▌▅ ▋▄▅▄▆▄▉)
2 Years Ago
hooked up Frankenstein attack vocal SFX
2 Years Ago
Frankenstein/pet sound setup for when a new order is given.
2 Years Ago
added petrbrain.controldistance convar, pet returns to idle state outside of this distance from owner
2 Years Ago
merge from targetting fixes
2 Years Ago
Fixed a positioning particle being rendered when it shouldn't.