
3 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

11 Months Ago
Pass prefab import context into DoPrepare but didn't end up speeding up imports or builds
11 Months Ago
Apply `IDoPrepare` interface to all components with the reflection "DoPrepare" Change `Rust.Editor.ForceLabel()` to not save the asset (you can't save to disk when importing) Remove all "SavePrefabAsset()" calls inside `DoPrepare()` methods Remove all `SetDirty()` calls inside `DoPrepare()`
11 Months Ago
See if we can skip the "PreparePrefabs" part of build process by moving prefab processing from build step -> import step - add AssetPostprocessor to call "DoPrepare" methods while assets are being imported - add IDoPrepare interface to replce the reflection based method