
14 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

8 Months Ago
Finally fix building blocked guides not showing in standalone builds - find the largest volume before PreProcess destroys the heirarchy
8 Months Ago
Merge from main -> qol_building_blocked_visual
8 Months Ago
Fix NRE when loading into server Fix NRE when switching servers - caused by not removing from static List when monument is destroyed
8 Months Ago
Reapply subtract
8 Months Ago
merge from main -> qol_building_blocked_visual
8 Months Ago
Fix compile errors
8 Months Ago
Fix unity somehow removing "Show Building Blocked" I added to the options menu
8 Months Ago
Don't show red building boundary around substations inside monuments (only outside or on edge)
8 Months Ago
Only show building blocked to 100m from outside of border and 15m inside of border of building blocked - convar to modify distance `building_blocked_preview_distance`
8 Months Ago
Mark `show_building_blocked` as a saved convar Expose `Show Building Blocked` in the options menu
8 Months Ago
Add `show_building_blocked` convar to disable the building preview on client Add `show_building_blocked_server` replicated convar so servers can turn off the feature (if needed for modding) Codegen
8 Months Ago
Increase height of supermarket building blocked box to clip underground slightly (like the sphere did)
8 Months Ago
Change supermarket to only a single square `prevent_building` collider - removed the extra sphere collider but resized the square to be the same overall shape S2P supermarket
8 Months Ago
Show building blocked of monuments with the BR sphere effect - will only show monuments & caves (not roads or rails) - only will show when holding building plan