
4 Commits over 31 Days - 0.01cph!

1 Year Ago
LR300 - base file and selection of anims updated with camera bone and animation
1 Year Ago
Added a ShouldSuppressLeftHandScreenShake option to new ViewmodelCameraAnimation component, disables the automatic left hand screen shake applied during reloads
1 Year Ago
Rework into a standalone component ViewmodelCameraAnimation Applied to paddle viewmodel for testing
1 Year Ago
Added a cameraModifyBone field to the viewmodel, when a transform is assigned to this its rotation will be added additively to the final camera position Eg. if this bone is rotated 2 degrees on the x and raised 0.1m the camera will do the same Could be used for authored camera animations on viewmodels since the bone could be assigned to a helper bone in the animated hierarchy The bone needs to start at a neutral pos/rot (0,0,0 on both)