
66 Commits over 59 Days - 0.05cph!

3 Years Ago
Viewmodel clothing support
3 Years Ago
Utils, better managing draw events, fixes for particles and renderers not updating properly.
3 Years Ago
Transforming EffectMounts to world space
3 Years Ago
Fix for mipmap streaming override not working sometimes. Re enabled viewbob etc.
3 Years Ago
utils update
3 Years Ago
Changed candy materials to use standard shader so that we have no materials using forward opaque path
3 Years Ago
Modified a few shaders so that all pass types are in the same order for all shader lods.
3 Years Ago
Support transparent / grabpasses correctly, correctly calculating spherical harmonics in world space.
3 Years Ago
Added support for most types of render pass in a slightly cleaner format.
3 Years Ago
Utils to categorize materials / shaders properly
3 Years Ago
More utils, putting data for events into a better format.
3 Years Ago
Refactoring to support other passes. Utils to determine correct passes required for each renderer / material.
3 Years Ago
Utils to find and load all relevant prefabs.
3 Years Ago
Rendering into MotionVector buffers
3 Years Ago
Disabling streaming for textures associated with the current view model.
3 Years Ago
Very basic implementation with a lot of stuff broken / missing.