
16 Commits over 92 Days - 0.01cph!

47 Days Ago
Wire slack bound to the mouse wheel directly instead of next slot/previous slot
51 Days Ago
When pressing left shift with wire tool/christmas lights in hands, only block the player belt if you have a pending wire
52 Days Ago
Fixed pooling issues
52 Days Ago
Fixed wire slack impacting wire remaining length
53 Days Ago
Adjusted slacked wires min and max tesselation values
53 Days Ago
merged main into wire_slacking
57 Days Ago
merge from main
2 Months Ago
Clear any old slack levels when poolin a new a wire
2 Months Ago
Pending wire updated with current slack Fixed a few issues with moving wires Drop applied to the world down vector on rotated transforms
2 Months Ago
Wire clearing working properly from both sides with slack levels
2 Months Ago
Merged main into wire_slacking
2 Months Ago
Re-implementing wire slack
2 Months Ago
Merged wiretool_fixes2 into wire_slacking
4 Months Ago
Merged main into wire_slacking
4 Months Ago
Merged main into wire_slacking
4 Months Ago
Wire slacking very first pass, adjustable using left shift + mouse wheel