216 Commits over 731 Days - 0.01cph!
Programmatically assign audio reverb
Serve paddle sound differs from hit responses
Style the name tags based on team
Fixed who gets the score after 1 bounce
More work on solidifying game flow
Quick and nasty reset button on the VR controller
Teach the player about serving if they can't serve properly
Bunch of work on game state and game init
Split out game debugging stuff, added more debug options
Hooked up paddle hits, work on deciding who wins a round
Add blue hand material override
Can hold the ball, and throw it
Serve the data properly instead of speculating
Add preset animations for non-knuckles users
Network finger data so you can flip off your opponent
Set GrabMode correctly, hands are now animated
Parse finger data, push it to anim parameters
Re-save out the paddle sound
Kill paddle serverside, stops error on game destroy
Fixed up UI anchor position
Add Game.OnBallBounce, track ball bounce count for game loop
Add serving hand for testing
Cleanup, network GameState. Document shit a bit more.
Define game states
Clear team score on Team.Reset
Moved game loop code into specific partial class, introduce OutOfBoundsZ
Don't render the head model if our camera viewer matches the client
Debug code will chuck the ball to the paddle
Scores bound to data, move score & hint widget based on team UI anchor.
Set PlayerColor for VR Heads, added Client.GetTeam, need to rewrite this later.
Update vrhead.vmat
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-tabletennis-vr
Added Team, assign teams on join. Can spawn ball outside of VR mode.
Merge branch 'master' of sbox-tabletennis-vr
Tweaked vr head some more
Give players the VR Head, and attach it to their HMD when possible.
Hook up hints to client join/leave
Can specify an icon instead of avatar for hint messages
Add statically mounted hint notifications widget
Use a statically mounted world panel for scores
Add FocusWorldPanel, right now it's just anchored infront of the player
Add testing score widget
Add HudEntity, create it on game ctor
Reorganized file structure
Update collision matrix & remove obsolete code
Bounce particle goes on the hit pos, don't follow the ball you silly bugger
Use HitPosition instead of EndPosition on our sweep traces
Sweep trace the paddle into the ball, way way more reliable, setup a nice cylinder hull for the paddle too
Better physics, account for paddle angular velocity, original ball velocity reflects, and resolve movement after we've been hit instead of before
setting default map and removing something redundant
Removed all map content + update paddle texture