18 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
List<Entity> is networkable
Don't allow changing [Net] vars clientside, unless they're a client entity or predicted
Fixed NRE in PredictionDestroy
Deleted NetPredictable https://files.facepunch.com/garry/0ae21fdd-58c9-437c-97eb-e5a4962600b1.png
VPROF some shit
Made storing/restoring predicted vars 41x faster
NetworkEmbed builds network table networks children (with no network dirty!)
Fixed null not being networked properly
Add TableIdent and TableHash
Rename NetworkVariable to NetworkAtomic
Added string replication
Support networking List<string>
Fix for sbox-issues/issues/233, throw errors if doing this wrong
Trim now unused data changed callbacks
Use predicted versions of classes instead of recreating
NetworkList is obsolete
Refactoring, List<> uses BaseNetworkContainer
NetworkEmbedClass and INetworkTable
Trying to network CUtlBinaryBlock was a disaster, cleaning up
Embed boilerplate
Codegen for NetworkVariable, working with hotloading
Cleaner, safer
Prediction fixes, network lists