15 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
When sucking the transforms from physics objects to entities, also suck the velocity
Fixed not compiling in debug mode
Re-enable PhysicsThinks because I don't have the bandwidth to figure out whether it's needed
Remove a ton of unused entity flags
Unused portal code
Remove groundlink
Remove basemodel fadeout thinks
PhysicsEnabled works on client
Clean up physics debug draw, color static, keyframe, dynamic in different colours
delete IPhysicsPlayerController
Delete IPhysicsShadowController, simplify
delete positionwatcher from vpc
Entity.Position no longer sets body positions
There was a hack here.. when players respawned we obviously set their positions to the new spawnpoint. But then their keyframed physics hull would rush to that position (via ForceUpdateIfKeyframed).. which hit anything in its path. Snapping the position was the wrong move here imo, I will explore alternatives.
delete positionwatcher.h
Got phys_debug_draw working again
Remove unused
delete vphysicsupdateai_t
Completely remove movetype
Fix physics timescale default