
12 Commits over 548 Days - 0.00cph!

10 Months Ago
Tweak some SQL queries to try and fix DB server pegged at 100% CPU usage
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
Fix empty leaderboard when the player hasn't played ranked yet
2 Years Ago
Revert tileset changes from 6844 - fixes invisible text on menu Also fix halloween theme so it doesn't have invisible text on the menu
2 Years Ago
updated copyright
2 Years Ago
cherry pick 6847
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
Cherry pick 6831, 6830, 6818, 6759, 6758, 6745 (server bug fixes)
2 Years Ago
cherry pick 6842
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
merged 6837 (6739_unity_upgrade) branch to 6739 (last live commit) to make this branch up to date with release branch and not the latest on main (which was all the wip stuff)