
6,819 Commits over 2,586 Days - 0.11cph!

1 Year Ago
Tweak some SQL queries to try and fix DB server pegged at 100% CPU usage
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
Fix empty leaderboard when the player hasn't played ranked yet
2 Years Ago
Merge from live_main
2 Years Ago
Revert tileset changes from 6844 - fixes invisible text on menu Also fix halloween theme so it doesn't have invisible text on the menu
2 Years Ago
merge from main
2 Years Ago
updated copyright
2 Years Ago
merge from live_main
2 Years Ago
cherry pick 6847
2 Years Ago
▆▌▅▍▇▄▌ ▊▌▊ ▌▊▇█▆▍▅▌ ▍▄▊▇▍█▉
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
Cherry pick 6831, 6830, 6818, 6759, 6758, 6745 (server bug fixes)
2 Years Ago
cherry pick 6842
2 Years Ago
█▅▄▇▍ █▌██▉▄▊ ▄▉▋▌▊▉▊ █▉▉▌█▌
2 Years Ago
merge from live_main
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
merged 6837 (6739_unity_upgrade) branch to 6739 (last live commit) to make this branch up to date with release branch and not the latest on main (which was all the wip stuff)
3 Years Ago
merge from 6739_unity_upgrade
3 Years Ago
delete PlayerServicesResolver
3 Years Ago
cherry pick 6833
3 Years Ago
cherry pick 6832
3 Years Ago
branched from #6739 and applied Unity upgrade
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
Fix running as a service on Linux
5 Years Ago
Switch to linux server build Update packages Fix some database sql errors Fix error spam from people refunding the game Add config for database host and port Fix some json deserialization garbage
5 Years Ago
updated avatar customization bg image tweaked searching game button position
5 Years Ago
fix squad editor being stuck updated platform icons
5 Years Ago
Removed hardcoded force map rotation warning panel, replaced with hold left shift to trigger.
5 Years Ago
fixed crowd, post process, board not reseting when switching to the squad editor from a match (online queue) optim the simple platform model/ textures
5 Years Ago
board hover fix
5 Years Ago
tweaked search button positioning updated match history panel
5 Years Ago
only display the ingame play online button if connected
5 Years Ago
updated CE background updated searching online game global button properly disable every acces to the squad editor while queueing (practice panel, outcome panel, map rotation panel, ingame menu) added an online game button to the ingame menu
5 Years Ago
fixed avatar speech bubble size lerping to the wrong size sometime disabled more raycaster on the match history entry
5 Years Ago
fixed bottom button behavior in the squad editor
5 Years Ago
fixed gradient bug when the rect as a 0 area surface
5 Years Ago
Fix serialization changes preventing server boot
5 Years Ago
fixed timer bar fading in white during the intro
5 Years Ago
fixed objectibe panel display in non career match tweaked intro timing
5 Years Ago
fixed time parameter error in daily challenge score panel
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
fixed missing material on igniter projectile fixed award panel trying to start on exit added graphic raycaster to replay control
5 Years Ago
fixed VS staying visible on the outcome panel when surrendering before the end of the intro
5 Years Ago
fix tmp resources path folder tweaked sponsor objective panel ui
5 Years Ago
fixed reflection probe warning removed ui-extention example to get rid of the warning spam
5 Years Ago
fixed tmp warning moved tmp ressources files re render map preview with correct vtx color
5 Years Ago
remade candy explosion FX file/folder cleanup
5 Years Ago
Merge to main