
8 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

8 Years Ago
merge from main
8 Years Ago
Unit/movement can now be flagged as passable through units
8 Years Ago
Fixed attack state playing tile hover sound for non-targettable tiles
8 Years Ago
increased size of range text box on unit info panel to fit a min-max range instead of just range
8 Years Ago
Mortart now has a minimum range of 3 (to match its max range of 3)
8 Years Ago
attack range can now have a minum range, pathfinder stores distance in tiles
8 Years Ago
...and the rest. Fixed def not getting looked up correctly from proto.
8 Years Ago
unit + attack def is now looked up once at unit init and stored, started removing all UnitDatabase.Find() and replacing with the references