1,945 Commits over 578 Days - 0.14cph!
- Quickly hacked in the new base booster effect so I can do a prototypes build
FOR FUCK SAKE playership prefab : removing Booster trail and particle
!A booster FX
!A trail sorting script
!A trail material
- Enemies now have less chance of spawning cash (30%->10%)
- Factory rooms now spawn less barrels
- Increased large factory room spawn budget min from 10-20 to 15-20
- Rebuilt factory tileset prefabs
- Reduced spawn cost of booze burner from 4 to 3
- F2 level stats screen now shows used spawn budget and spawn budget range per room
- Current room is now yellow in F2 screen
- Disabled level depth + world progress budget spawn bonus for now
- Massively increased all factory room spawn budgets
- Rebuilt factory tileset prefabs
- BaseMovement decel speed is now also boosted by speed modifiers
- Branch ends/dead ends now spawn a speed pickup which makes the player move 50% faster until they enter a room they've not been in yet
- Stuff can now subscribe to LevelPlayerTracker and be alerted when the player enters a new room for the first time
- Added the speed pickup + code
- Reduced length of branchiness? of Your Round level flow
- Started to move to level flows/archetypes per-mission, organised by mission folders
- Disabled level length multiplier (multiplier always set to 1)
- Increased fire rate of Screw You
- Change level flow for Last Orders mission. Now longer (was way too short) and the space area is linear instead of branched
- Forgot to commit the scene change for feedback fix
- Feedback reported uses new URL
- Fixed a bug with missions autocompleting in editor when typing M in feedback tool ;)
- Added weapon switching to controls help panel in town
- Disabled cash shop interaction
- Increased interaction range of nutsexchange
- Your Round mission now uses correct enemy pack
- Current weapon slot is maintained between levels
FOR FUCK SAKE playership prefab, culling wall collision rendering from mapcam
FOR FUCK SAKE town duplicated collision on the minimap layer
- WIP "good room to spawn a speed boost in" finder code
FOR FUCK SAKE factory tileset scene
FOR FUCK SAKE rebuilt factory prefab
FOR FUCK SAKE town scene
!A shop sign
FOR FUCK SAKE playership fix minimap layer culling
FOR FUCK SAKEtown, adding collision/diplay for minimap
- Added current room name and level seed to F2 level stats menu
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- Cappeds shield drop bonus chance to 20%
- A succesfull roll to drop a Shield now only has 20% chance to actually drop if the player is at full shields. Instead, it has an 80% chance to increase the bonus chance of a shield dropping next time. Basically, less chance of dropping a shield at full shields, bonus chance builds up so there's a higher chance of getting a shield drop when you actually need one. - Reduced all enemy shield drop basic chances from 5% to 2%
- Shields will no longer be collected if you're already at max shields
- BaseCollectable can now be overriden to decide if it should be collected and SuckIn script checks it
FOR FUCK SAKE maya weapon source file
- Weapons are now automatically made the active weapon when you buy them
- New saves default to having 1 nut to spend at the shop in town
- The mission reward screen in town now notifies you everytime you return to town with spare nuts
- Splash and title screens updated with BG and logo
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Logo & BG for title screen. Added Design folder.
- Scriptable object definitions for modular item model system. Definitions only. Doesn't do anything yet
- Added Room and RoomSpawner components to the current Ice Cave rooms
- Removed some junk from SpawnLocation
- Added Ice Cave enemy pack
- Started Ice Cube harvester gameplay code
- Rebuilt Ice Cave prefabs
- Stopped basic blaster projectiles going through everything!!!!
- Reduced camera shake on starting weapon
FOR FUCK SAKE bolt material
- Custom playmaker action test, animation state toggling
- Rooms can now have a chance to override the level's enemy pack with their own specific one