
58 Commits over 122 Days - 0.02cph!

5 Years Ago
Added rifle holdtype anims, updated controller gesture layer to use upper body mask, updated mask
5 Years Ago
Fixed lids, bottle melee
5 Years Ago
set up melee
5 Years Ago
fixed holdtype bones
5 Years Ago
Added world models
5 Years Ago
fixed override controller
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Fixed the nasty hack
5 Years Ago
A fucking nightmare, fuck fuck fuck.
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Sorting out hold types
5 Years Ago
Tweaks and fixes
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Added a load of new anims to the blend tree
5 Years Ago
Tweaked anim controller
5 Years Ago
Added new clothing
5 Years Ago
Updated skeleton stuff
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Fixed a few errors
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
HoldType basics
6 Years Ago
Added idle anim to controller
6 Years Ago
Crouch Idle Pistol Aim anim
6 Years Ago
Crouch support, and updated transitions.
6 Years Ago
Updated crouch anims, moved some old anims to unused
6 Years Ago
Updated strafe anims, added crouch strafe aim anims
6 Years Ago
Some tweaks to anim controller and character rotation when strafing.
6 Years Ago
Updated citizen base controller ( added strafe pistol anims to blendtree) moved pistol walk anim to pistol folder
6 Years Ago
Jumping / landing etc.
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Anims / movement / transitions feel a lot cleaner now.
6 Years Ago
Making adjustments to animator for strafe based movement.
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Fix spectator bug with multiple players
6 Years Ago
EyeTransform properly matches look direction.
6 Years Ago
Kinda basic obstacle avoidance for camera.
6 Years Ago
cam pos
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Set up, and hooked up hitbox system.
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Item / Clothes system.
6 Years Ago
Skins can now added to characters on the fly