
18 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Added comment
7 Years Ago
Fix for buildings with no units
7 Years Ago
More character event stuff
7 Years Ago
Fixed location event bugs
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Simplified NetworkGameMode creation events. Decided AutoFiringEvent was trying too hard to be clever
7 Years Ago
Fix events
7 Years Ago
Moving character events around
7 Years Ago
Can get NumListeners from your weak ref event
7 Years Ago
Game modes now have character events available to override. Added a WeakEvent class for memory leak safety.
7 Years Ago
Oops, removing my debug changes
7 Years Ago
Removed pool checking for CharacterState and CharacterMotorState, since Bill F's changes mean they're no longer pooled.
7 Years Ago
Use the dll interpolator class in the main project. No need to have two instances of the same thing - they'd already got slightly out of sync.
7 Years Ago
BigInfoText uses the new characters events
7 Years Ago
Merge in from Main
7 Years Ago
Character events work in progress
7 Years Ago
Working on some event stuff for game modes, but ended up doing a bunch of other fixes and things along the way. Only committing some of what I've done here so this is probably a commit with errors.