32 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Fixing a general bug with ready player selections
Better performance, scoreboard reuses entry instances
Don't need these csproj files in source control
Destroying scoreboard stuff better between refreshes
Sending scoreboard data from server
Working on scoreboard getting proper team data from server. UserStats don't actually need to sync to clients all the time - can just get that info with the scoreboard data.
Add kills to stats + fixes
Sorting out events. Maybe the difference between being destroyed and dying.
Work in progress. Mostly just moving some things around in this commit.
Some data actually showing on the scoreboard
Set latency and reset stats
Moved stuff out of NetworkUser deserialize that shouldn't be called so often
Adding user stats to sync between clients
Scoreboard adding content and finally actually sizing everything correctly, automatically. With only... a little bit of hacks.
Scoreboard animation edits
Scoreboard UI actually fitting content properly
Added scoreboard show animation
Some early work on a scoreboard screen