
49 Commits over 30 Days - 0.07cph!

7 Years Ago
Added some force to explosions because it's cool
7 Years Ago
Vehicle respawning working in the real level
7 Years Ago
Vehicle respawning work. Fixed init order bug. Corrected a few Random.Range errors around the project.
7 Years Ago
Vehicle manager fix
7 Years Ago
Working on vehicle spawns
7 Years Ago
Starting work on adding vehicle spawners
7 Years Ago
Minor tools edit
7 Years Ago
Added a little editor window with some buttons
7 Years Ago
Bug fix
7 Years Ago
Fixed vehicle in a more correct way now that I understand things better.
7 Years Ago
Extra closing brace got in and ruined everything
7 Years Ago
Made getting in/out of cars work with the new network system
7 Years Ago
Fixed issues with vehicle damage visuals
7 Years Ago
Another edit
7 Years Ago
Car prefab edit
7 Years Ago
Merging in networking changes
7 Years Ago
Fixed vehicle prefab issues
7 Years Ago
more pfx tweaks
7 Years Ago
A couple of adjustments to vehicle prefabs
7 Years Ago
RIP cardiffuse_wrecked.psd.private.0
7 Years Ago
more car changes and explosion stuff
7 Years Ago
car pfx and damage stuff
7 Years Ago
Merging in fixes
7 Years Ago
Minor reordering
7 Years Ago
Players terminate correctly when a vehicle is destroyed.
7 Years Ago
Merging Unity 5.5 fixes from trunk.
7 Years Ago
Added vehicle collision damage (to the vehicle)
7 Years Ago
Player health updated and working. Explosion damage working. Player health bars now work correctly (for the first time ever?).
7 Years Ago
Health fix
7 Years Ago
Some in-progress work. Things a bit broken. Changing player health to allow for some direct server-side damage.
7 Years Ago
Disabled decals on wreckage
7 Years Ago
Cleanup after merge
7 Years Ago
Merging from trunk. Unity 5.5 update.
7 Years Ago
Forgot to commit added files
7 Years Ago
Working on vehicle explosion damage and wreckage. A lot of in-progress work here. Fixed player type flags not really being flags.
7 Years Ago
Explosion damage in progress
7 Years Ago
Working on damage from explosions
7 Years Ago
Can collide with vehicle wreckage. Also added Rust Water material to hidden changes list since it auto-updates but is unlikely to be manually changed on purpose.
7 Years Ago
Vehicle visuals work
7 Years Ago
Vehicle destroy fx work
7 Years Ago
Vehicle damage FX work. Removed temp stuff.
7 Years Ago
Added vehicle visual damage
7 Years Ago
Committing some partial work on vehicle damage FX etc
7 Years Ago
Added wrecked version of car
7 Years Ago
Initial health/damage work on vehicles.
7 Years Ago
Overhauled exiting vehicle seats
7 Years Ago
Remove vehicle seat exit debugging
7 Years Ago
Added text to explain why you can't get out of that damn vehicle.
7 Years Ago
- A little bit of tidying on NetworkEntity - making it clear that the Connection/IsConnected is actually only set on the Server side. - Some new car audio. - Fixed up all warnings outside of BuildingSystem.