
875 Commits over 639 Days - 0.06cph!

2 Years Ago
Sprint sounds are much louder now
2 Years Ago
Show "WAITING" on Time Left panel if we're waiting for players to join
2 Years Ago
Added basic valid spawnpoint finder
2 Years Ago
Gamemode rules refactor, add ISpawnPoint, redone how spawnpoints are decided, capture points can be spawn points if specified
2 Years Ago
Fixed strange padding with Chatbox
2 Years Ago
Slow down the player a bit more
2 Years Ago
Added ShotgunCrosshair too
2 Years Ago
Added PistolCrosshair type
2 Years Ago
Let's not network this as a test
2 Years Ago
Fixed padding for hud markers at the bottom of the screen
2 Years Ago
Added GamemodeSpecificEntity, added static ammo crate entity
2 Years Ago
Fire Mode switch changed to Use+Reload Added gunfight_thirdperson
2 Years Ago
Added Slow Walk
2 Years Ago
Reset all capture points when the game starts
2 Years Ago
Moved Ping to InputButton.Zoom (previously InputButton.Flashlight)
2 Years Ago
Gunfight Spawn Points can define SupportedGamemodes as Flags
2 Years Ago
Prioritize GunfightSpawnPoint, then if we can't find one, look through the SpawnPoint list
2 Years Ago
Can tag gamemode ident in spawnpoint
2 Years Ago
GunfightSpawnPoint Team is checked when querying for a suitable spawnpoint
2 Years Ago
Added GunfightSpawnPoint
2 Years Ago
War: Basic game loop running
2 Years Ago
Drain tickets, 1 per capture point every 5 seconds, also on death
2 Years Ago
Added proper contesting / capturing UI states to capture point markers Stop showing CapturePanel if you've already captured the point Notify game participants when a capture point is taken
2 Years Ago
Updated style for WinningTeamDisplay
2 Years Ago
Animate capture panel
2 Years Ago
Fix up CapturePanel to work on any gamemode
2 Years Ago
Add CapturePoints razor template
2 Years Ago
Add Capture Point marker style
2 Years Ago
Started work on War - large-scale combat test mode
2 Years Ago
Can also bash doors while sliding
2 Years Ago
Reduced lerp speed for ADS a tad
2 Years Ago
When Team is assigned on TeamComponent, give its Entity a tag to match
2 Years Ago
Fixed up issues with the ViewModel being sluggish when aiming down sights Reduced weapon recoil on the AKM
2 Years Ago
Aim state cleanup Sort scoreboard teams by score
2 Years Ago
Fixed GetLocation returning something empty
2 Years Ago
Restyled enemy player hud marker
2 Years Ago
Aligned R870 aim position properly to screen center
2 Years Ago
Removed unused UI elements
2 Years Ago
Can't shoot while holstering/deploying a weapon
2 Years Ago
Can aim down sights with R870 shotgun
2 Years Ago
Add Weapon.GetFireRate, burst mode has its own fire rate, balanced some burst mode guns
2 Years Ago
Hide and update FireModes panel when life state changes
2 Years Ago
Firemodes panel rewritten in razor, fixed layout bugs
2 Years Ago
Use generic loadouts, span them properly
2 Years Ago
Record multi kill stats, we can show these later
2 Years Ago
Send multi kills to other players
2 Years Ago
Fixed kill feed not displaying
2 Years Ago
Add Double Kill, Triple Kill, Quad Kill awards
2 Years Ago
Balanced weapons effective ranges
2 Years Ago
Add max effective bullet range, scale down damage based on range