
875 Commits over 639 Days - 0.06cph!

2 Years Ago
Fast firing penalty for the Revolver
2 Years Ago
Updated Revolver to include spread
2 Years Ago
Added weapon accumulated spread. Shown visibly on the ViewModel
2 Years Ago
Project backwards with penetration, so bullet holes are on both sides of a wall
2 Years Ago
Ricochet impacts & trails
2 Years Ago
Adjusted viewmodel weights for all weapons
2 Years Ago
Removed strange sprint walkbob offset, updated revolver walk bob
2 Years Ago
CapturePoint responds to player deaths
2 Years Ago
Decreased ping lifetime if not enemy / resource
2 Years Ago
Fixed enemy ping persisting across lives
2 Years Ago
Give crosshair a dot Fixed pickup triggers accepting traces while actively held by a player
2 Years Ago
Add PingSystem.GetLifetime, use that for deferred ping cleanup
2 Years Ago
Remove ping if ping's tagged entity has a parent now
2 Years Ago
Can ping weapons, triggers call to parent for pings
2 Years Ago
Add simple pinging system, needs sounds
2 Years Ago
Cleaned up unused VaultMoveMechanic code Pass current bullet count into DoTracer, originate from muzzle if first bullet pass Merge branch 'main' of sbox-gunfight
2 Years Ago
Remove MeleeWeapon. Got plans for this in the future.
2 Years Ago
Give ViewModel a flat FOV, for users who play at ridiculous FOV
2 Years Ago
Try to handle aim vs non-aim viewmodel states better.. this is all a big mess
2 Years Ago
Delete all loose weapons on the ground when map gets cleaned up Mess with tickrate some more Added WeaponDefinition.FindFromSlot, WeaponDefinition.Random( list ) Instead of hardcoded randomizer, use new methods to randomize loadout outside of Gunfight mode
2 Years Ago
Don't shake screen while sliding
2 Years Ago
Decreased AKM pitch variance
2 Years Ago
Updated AKM sound in resource
2 Years Ago
Cover aim hint positions itself in the world Vaulting mechanic rewritten, will now test the next position and stop if we're going to get stuck
2 Years Ago
Also added the new sounds..
2 Years Ago
Added round countdown sounds
2 Years Ago
Fix NRE for Inventory.GetAll
2 Years Ago
Set CapturePointEntity model
2 Years Ago
First version of round won panel
2 Years Ago
Re-add code to omit capture point marker if we're capturing it
2 Years Ago
Added GunfightCapturePanel, simple UI template to show flag status
2 Years Ago
Revolver can 1-hit headshot
2 Years Ago
Fixed damage not working outside of active gamemode Add Revolver resource, Cowboy loadout resourc
2 Years Ago
Updated AKM icon in resource Adjusted round lengths, don't end the round if someone is capturing the flag. Minor tweaks to CapturePoint, HudMarkers Merge branch 'main' of sbox-gunfight
2 Years Ago
Create CapturePointEntity.cs Create GamemodeMarker.cs Create a capture point when RoundFlagActive, clean all capture points when starting the round Map update Add Gamemode.OnFlagCaptured Win the round on CTF
2 Years Ago
Upgraded score panel, bigger time countdown, alive player counts
2 Years Ago
Added more loadouts
2 Years Ago
Clear player effects on respawn
2 Years Ago
Reset K/D on game reset
2 Years Ago
Moved around slide effects, clear effects on death Players can respawn while waiting for players
2 Years Ago
Show winning team at the end of the game
2 Years Ago
Add/RemoveScore returns new score Don't go to RoundOver if we've intended to end the game
2 Years Ago
Handle game won state, go back to WaitingForPlayers, which will now check the active player count and go straight to round cooldown.
2 Years Ago
Loadouts can provide ammo Update AKM ammo-type
2 Years Ago
Define Loadout GameResource Add Gamemode.PlayerLoadout, hook it up to Gunfight
2 Years Ago
Check for dead players and award the other team. Semi-working gameplay loop!
2 Years Ago
Add AKM to random weapon rotation Fixed grabbing wrong weapon name in KillFeed
2 Years Ago
Use LifeState to decide different pathways for gamemodes to take when respawning a player. LifeState.Respawning = player will respawn in a few seconds. LifeState.Dead = gamemode must manually respawn them.
2 Years Ago
Add Gamemode.PreSpawn( player ), RespawnAllPlayers, disable input when movement is disabled Prevent Damage if gamemode.AllowDamage is false Adjusted spawnpoint query, added SpawnPointTag More work on Gunfight gamemode rules & game flow Delete inventory contents on respawn Add post process overlay when in round countdown
2 Years Ago
Start decaying the weapon once it's dropped