
1,061 Commits over 976 Days - 0.05cph!

1 Year Ago
Update RazorComponentTemplate to use TextArea
1 Year Ago
Add TextAreaControlWidget, supports properties using TextAreaAttribute
1 Year Ago
Fixed action set flip-flopping between Menu and InGame twice a frame :S
1 Year Ago
Support Alex's scrolling
1 Year Ago
Post-merge fix
1 Year Ago
Start drafting out UI navigation with controller, by traversing panels Refactor so we can switch between panel traversal and virtual cursor based on input Don't revert back to PanelTraversalSystem if analog is empty Add basic working virtual cursor using PanelInput.UpdateMouse Fixed calculation of virtual cursor position Use stylesheet to style virtual cursor, add ScrollSpeed Refactor, virtual cursor as its own rootpanel so we don't add a panel to every root panel we access Disable system if mouse is moving at all Make VirtualCursorOverlay a razor panel Update SteamInput manifest to include joystick inputs for Menu action set Hide mouse cursor while we have controller input active Support processing any number of root panels, make it work in GameMenu Scale ControllerInput.GetAnalog by Input.ControllerLookYaw(Pitch)Speed Scale virtual cursor position movement by delta time, no wonder it felt different on GameMenu Process inputs in MenuDll Remove some direct controller access, use Input.AnalogMove/AnalogLook instead VCS: only tick for panels that want mouse input VCS: fix is-pressed style Refactor, add ControllerOverlay, so we can add another overlay for panel traversal selection Add PanelTraversalOverlay (for lack of a better name) Work on finding panels from delta, fixed not finding an initial focused panel Give eligible panels a score and give it some data to score by, focus the lowest scoring panel, also hook up selection and scrolling Decrease block increment size, can get finer selections (i.e PackageCard modal button) Fix FindPanelsAt never finding more than 1 panel Remove PanelTraversalOverlay, it looked shit When enabling VCS, use the mouse's current position Traverse blocks relative to the screen size, instead of set pixels Add IControllerInputSystem.Destroy Store last mouse position, don't run in multiple contexts (sort this out in a better way next) - fixes VCS overlay lingering around Minor cleanup Run Input.SetFocus( null ) on IControllerInputSystem.Destroy Scope UI simulation Remove context hacks Pass DoAnyPanelsWantMouseVisible() to ControllerInput, don't call if we don't need input Only use pointer-events on elements we want to click on for SocialBar Remove unused code, documentation pass When looking for an initial panel for traversal, use the mouse position (works w/ virtual cursor) Remove InputManifestTemplate/GamepadManifestTemplate groups from Sandbox.Game csproj since they don't exist Don't run ControllerInput.Tick at all if we don't have a controller Docs for IVirtualCursor Kill controller input system if we run out of gamepads to use General cleanup, remove unused ControllerOverlay panel Add adjustable analog sensitivity for UI
1 Year Ago
Set SceneObject shadow casting flag before setting model / transform so we don't need to update the object again
1 Year Ago
Re-plug in speech synthesizer play return
1 Year Ago
Fixed not loading the startup scene fallback when loading a project
1 Year Ago
Fixed decals projecting down instead of forward
1 Year Ago
Can use HideInEditor to hide components in component selector
1 Year Ago
Fixed play toggle not working while focused on the game You'll probably need to bind this manually, so if it still doesn't work for you, type "bind F5 play_toggle" in console
1 Year Ago
Fix SceneTrace.WithAnyTags using WithAllTags
1 Year Ago
Fixed aoproxy crash when changing model
1 Year Ago
Don't render AO proxies if we're not casting shadows
1 Year Ago
Add property to ModelRenderer to configure shadow rendering
1 Year Ago
Pass tags to envmap probes in prep for having control over them
1 Year Ago
Make sure to pass tags to light SceneObjects
1 Year Ago
Give SceneCameras created by CameraComponent a name (derived from its GameObject)
1 Year Ago
Fix row spacing for ListView using ItemAlign.SpaceBetween when item count is 1
1 Year Ago
Range slider is optional
1 Year Ago
Scene view falls back to a set background color if we don't have a camera (and gives prefab editor a standard look)
1 Year Ago
Fixed all treeviews being broken :dizzy_face:
1 Year Ago
Fixed DecalRenderer not creating its sceneobject when created programmatically
1 Year Ago
Clamp SceneCamera.Rect input so we can't crash the game Clamp camera width and height to always be non-zero to prevent crashing VectorControlWidget can pass RangeAttribute details to its fields CameraComponent.Viewport type change, use RangeAttribute to clamp in UI
1 Year Ago
Scene: add GameObject and Component querying to hierarchy - GameObject querying uses Contains - Component querying requires a full type match
1 Year Ago
Added multiple camera rendering support and exposed camera viewports - Added CameraComponent properties - CameraComponent.Priority - CameraComponent.Viewport
1 Year Ago
Fixed not editing all cameras (viewported cameras, etc) when outside of play mode
1 Year Ago
Different approach to multiple cameras support. Camera.Main is set to the camera that has the "maincamera" tag Set default camera priority to 1 Give Camera prefab the "maincamera" tag by default Add "maincamera" tag to default editor scene Editor viewport camera shouldn't really care about render tags Render game viewport from tools if game isn't playing Clean up GameMenuDll.OnRender Docs Use IsMainCamera bool instead of a tag, documented all CameraComponent properties Don't continuously set Camera.Main Add CameraComponent.Viewport Couple more documented properties
1 Year Ago
Couple more documented properties
1 Year Ago
Add CameraComponent.Viewport
1 Year Ago
Different approach to multiple cameras support. Camera.Main is set to the camera that has the "maincamera" tag Set default camera priority to 1 Give Camera prefab the "maincamera" tag by default Add "maincamera" tag to default editor scene Editor viewport camera shouldn't really care about render tags Render game viewport from tools if game isn't playing Clean up GameMenuDll.OnRender Docs Use IsMainCamera bool instead of a tag, documented all CameraComponent properties Don't continuously set Camera.Main
1 Year Ago
Don't continuously set Camera.Main
1 Year Ago
Use IsMainCamera bool instead of a tag, documented all CameraComponent properties
1 Year Ago
Different approach to multiple cameras support. Camera.Main is set to the camera that has the "maincamera" tag Set default camera priority to 1 Give Camera prefab the "maincamera" tag by default Add "maincamera" tag to default editor scene Editor viewport camera shouldn't really care about render tags Render game viewport from tools if game isn't playing Clean up GameMenuDll.OnRender Docs
1 Year Ago
Define SerializedProperty.IsEditable in inherited types where possible (ReadOnlyAttribute or !CanWrite)
1 Year Ago
Scene: Copy / Paste (As Child) supports multiple objects Scene: Cut supports multiple selection, fixed paste NRE if no selection, use the scene as a fallback
1 Year Ago
Scene: add multi-select duplicate support
1 Year Ago
Get rid of angle pitch jitter in scene view
1 Year Ago
Remove ConVar.Replicated and associated code Editor: Remove Game tab, moved "Project Settings" to Edit, moved "Open Project in Explorer" to File
1 Year Ago
Remove ConVar.ClientData and associated code
1 Year Ago
Remove f5 screenshot from user_keys_default.vcfg Add Edit/Play menu option, with F5 keyboard shortcut
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Clean up GameMenuDll.OnRender
1 Year Ago
Render game viewport from tools if game isn't playing
1 Year Ago
Editor viewport camera shouldn't really care about render tags
1 Year Ago
Different approach to multiple cameras support. Camera.Main is set to the camera that has the "maincamera" tag Set default camera priority to 1 Give Camera prefab the "maincamera" tag by default Add "maincamera" tag to default editor scene
1 Year Ago
Add orthographic view support to camera gizmo
1 Year Ago
Fixed cell hover color not being set, and fixed cursor type
1 Year Ago
Adjust alignment of keyboard code cell for consistency