Controls changed in layout A:
voice chat toggle/ push to talk - press/hold the view button (BUTTON.BACKBUTTON in code)
crouch is now on B (BUTTON.CANCEL in code)
quick chat - press the R3 (rightStickButtonPressed in code)
While building in layout A:
Controlling structure height: Y + D-pad Up/ Down -> Right/Left shoulder
Menu changes - loc strings reassigned:
Standard A layout:
Face Right: d11_voice_chat -> d11_toggle_crouch
Special Left: d11_quick_chat -> d11_voice_chat
R3: d11_toggle_crouch -> d11_quick_chat
Building A layout:
Face Right: d11_voice_chat -> d11_toggle_crouch
Special Left: d11_quick_chat -> d11_voice_chat
R3: d11_toggle_crouch -> d11_quick_chat
Face Top: d11_foundation_height -> d11_secondary_interact, disabled
L1: d11_previous_structure -> d11_raisefoundation (new string)
R1: d11_next_structure -> d11_lowerfoundation (new string)
D-Pad Up: d11_inventory_raisefoundation -> d11_inventory
D-Pad Down: d11_crafting_lowerfoundation -> d11_crafting
The old buttons in the UI.BuildingContextMenu are disabled and marked as unused.