1 Year Ago
start removing vr_warp, modern HMDs don't need it cull most unused shaders, remove unused include files, rename shaders with sbox_ prefix to better names Cleanup shaders, compile renamed shaders Remove vr warp and most of subview rendering More cleanup Remove subview rendering, if we use foveated we'll roll our own solution Remove more bullshit, start reimplementing a sane spectator view Reimplement spectator view Remove anything to do with aerial perspective, remove old glass shader Remove wrinkle from complex, cleanup and cull some more shaders remove complex and spritecard from build list, want to quickly test if everything is okay on CI Update all_shaders.txt move remaining materials that use blend.vfx to blendable, delete blend.vfx Merge branch 'shader-cull' of sbox into shader-cull remove compiled files of the shaders we removed Update shaders with the cleaned up code keep old glass shader while the new one isn't merged in Remove deferred lights from code, only care for the lightbinner we use remove old blur and old bloom Remove grasstile materials Remove auto fidelity visualizer, remove bilateral blur and liquid shader, remove remaints of old blur shader Remaining missing materials and compiled shaders Replace removed shaders that are still referenced in some assets with it's replacement shader Update foliage and legacy glass with the correct depth shader Add parallax occlusion to list of shader replacements Remove postprocess_standard, readd floor_pebbles_a with correct shader Update compiled addon shaders Merge pull request #506 from Facepunch/shader-cull Shader Cull Cleanup