10 Months Ago
Restore "gamemenucommand RestartWithNewLanguage" Fixed render.SetLocalModelLights ignoring last light Fix Bootil memory leak when trying to extract buf to invalid filepath Fixed NPC kill related achievements not working Remove more unintentional files from the fallbacks vpk Quick Rotate Model +/- 45deg yaw button for spawnicon editor Also more spawnicons of built-in props Iterate over Unknown Addon mechanism Do not try to mount Unknown addons (they could be banned/backdoored), detect demos/saves/dupes and push them to their own list Moved extracted .gmas from addons/ to cache/workshop/ This simplifies code for the game Rework menu_cleanupgmas to take into account server downloads Meaning, Workshop files downloaded from servers and extracted, then deleted by Steam in 2 weeks, now get detected as useless extracted versions and are prompted for deletion.