
670 Commits over 823 Days - 0.03cph!

More particle system changes from CS:GO Endcap particle stuff. New parameters for all operators: "operator fade oscillate", "operator time offset seed", "operator time offset min"/max, "operator time scale seed", "operator time scale min"/max, "operator time strength random scale max", "operator strength scale seed", "operator strength random scale min"/max, "operator end cap state" Particle intitializer updates from CS:GO "scale cp (distance/speed/local speed)" for C_INIT_CreateWithinSphere "randomly_flip_direction" for C_INIT_RandomRotationSpeed and C_INIT_RandomRotation "shuffle" and "linear" for C_INIT_RandomSequence "use particle count instead of time" for C_INIT_PositionWarp "Use sequential CP pairs between start and end point" and "Save Offset" for C_INIT_CreateSequentialPath "collide with water" for C_INIT_LifespanFromVelocity Internal changes to certain particle initializers from CS:GO Added "Lerp EndCap Scalar" and "Lerp EndCap Vector" Ops New options for rope particle renderer "texture_offset", "scale CP start", "scale texture by CP distance", "scale scroll by CP distance", "scale scroll by CP distance", "scale offset by CP distance"
DMX versions 3,4,5 tools support (datamodel.dll) Allow loading PCF version 2 in tools Particle system changes from CS:GO Many potential crash fixes Added particle operators: C_OP_DecayMaintainCount, C_OP_AlphaDecay, C_OP_FadeInSimple, C_OP_FadeOutSimple, C_OP_RadiusDecay Added particle force generators: C_OP_ParentVortices, C_OP_TimeVaryingForce, C_OP_TurbulenceForce, C_OP_ForceBasedOnDistanceToPlane Added new particle constraint: C_OP_BoxConstraint Added new options to C_OP_WorldTraceConstraint - "minimum speed to kill on collision", "Confirm Collision", as well as apply potential crash/garbage data fixes Particle initializers updates "Particle Increment Amount" for C_INIT_CreateFromParentParticles Various small optimization changes Added new particle operators "Oscillate Scalar Simple", "Oscillate Vector Simple", "Remap Difference of Sequential Particle Vector to Scalar", "Movement Maintain Offset", "Movement Place On Ground" More particle operators Added "Alpha Fade and Decay for Tracers", "Restart Effect after Duration", "Stop Effect after Duration" operators New parameters: "additive" for "Noise Scalar", "Noise Vector" "output field" for C_OP_ColorInterpolate "output is scalar of current value" for C_OP_DistanceToCP "rotation field" for C_OP_OrientTo2dDirection "output is scalar of current value" for C_OP_RemapDotProductToScalar Added even more particle operators from CS:GO "Override Max Velocity from this CP" and "Override CP field" for C_OP_MaxVelocity "use existing particle count" and "control point movement tolerance" for C_OP_MaintainSequentialPath Added operators: "Movement Lag Compensation", "Movement Lock to Saved Position Along Path" Particle initializer additions "Local Offset Min", "Local Offset Max", "Set Normal" for C_INIT_CreateFromPlaneCache "end offset", "bias lifetime by trail length" for C_INIT_MoveBetweenPoints "randomly select sequential CP pairs between start and end points" for C_INIT_CreateAlongPath "reverse warp (0/1)" for C_INIT_PositionWarp
2 Days Ago
Added "emit to maintain count" particle emitter FIxed crashes with particles getting insane particle count This was due to "emit noise" emitter Remove unused field from C_OP_NoiseEmitter Matching CS:GO code, it was never initialized. Fixed some props in Portal 2 appearing rainbow-y A hack to not use missing shader combos emit_continuously additions & changes Added fields "emission count scale control point" & "emission count scale control point field" Added "emission_start_time max" to "emit_instantaneously" Enable DMX versions 3, 4 and 5 loading Mostly intended for PCF, saves still as version 2. This should allow Portal 2 and L4D particles to load correctly (excluding missing particle operators/renderers)
3 Days Ago
Make Alyx as sniper in episodes appear as Alyx in killfeed Display a non halting error when teamID would not network correctly Fixed crashes with missing physics objects In bone followers and info_radial_link_controller
4 Days Ago
▇▍█▇▍ ▄▄ ▉▉▇▍▍▌
4 Days Ago
▌▄▇▋▉ █▋▄▅▆▋▊▋ ▇▄ ▊▆▊ ▉█▋▅ ▆▉▅█▆▌ █▅█▇▌▊▋ ▉ ▉▉▉▆▉ ▉▉ ▋▌▆▌▋▅▇ ▊▋▌▅▍▊▋▋▉▄▅ ▌▉▄▋▇▌▅ ▊▉▄▋▄▆▍▆▉▉▋ ▌▉ ▉▋▅█, ▊█▊▋ ▄▋ ▋▍█▄ ▊▍█▍██▋ "▄▉▆▍" ▋▉▆▊▄▆▄▋▉▊ ▅█▉▅▍ ▅█▉▋▇▌▉ !▆▇▆▄▉▆ █▌█▅▌█▍▌█▄▍, ▉▋▅▍██▉▍▌ ▉▆▇▉▌, ▍▅▅▇▌█▄▋▋ ▇▊▅▄▉, ▄▅▄▋█▉ ▆▉▊▉▋ ▌▊▅▊▋▅█ ▍ ▆▍▇▋█ ▉▉ ▍▋▍▌▇▆▇ ▍▌▋▉█▍▍▊▇▉▉▊▍▋▌ ▅▄▅▅▆▋▊▋ ▇▉▆▌▉█▊▌▆█▉▋ ▇▌▆▋▉ ▍▊▊ ▌▅▌▉▋▅▊▍▊▅▄▉ ▆▄▇▍▆ ▄▇▅▊▋▇ ▅█▄█▆ ▌█▉▇▅ ▄▍▅▋▋▄█▌▋▅▅█ ▍█▆█▆█ ▉▉█▍▅▌▋▄▋ ▊▇▄▅▉ ▋█▆▅▅▆█ ▍▍▇▍ ▉▅▋█ ▉▆ ▋▉▍▄ ▋▊ ▅▌▇▄▊▇▌█▊ ▍▊▊█▅▅▇ -▄▄▉▊▄▍▉▋ ▍▉▅█▉▉ ▅█▍▌▅ ▇▌▆▌▊▄▍▇ ▉▉▄▄█▄█ ▉▍█▅▉▅▆▊▄▄▅▇▍▅▌▅ ▋▊▄▌█▌▅ ▍▉ ▅▊▍▅▍▉:▋▇▄▄▆▄▌▇▍▄▆▅ ▋█▊▄▅▋:▇▆█▇▆▄▊▋▉▉▇▉ ▇█▄▉▇ ▄▌▅▉▅ ▍▆▄▋▆▊█, █▌▅█▅▋▊▅█▅ ▄▇ █▉▆▍█▊ ▌▅▆▄ ▊▅▄▆▆ ▇▅▇ █▌▄▇▄ ▋▆▄▅ ▊█ ▇▍▌▋▋▅▊▋▇ ▊▄█▉▅▇▅▍▇ ▍▉▇▄▄▊
7 Days Ago
Do not set commentary to 0 on map start Since we removed the commentary system entirely Fix "material __error is missing" error on map load Delete __screenshot_internal Move "SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics" to developer 1 Fixed crashes to do with render groups Minor cleanups
8 Days Ago
FIxed some minor memory leaks These are mostly in developer features to do with KeyValues, not normal gameplay Init m_rgflCoordinateFrame on creation clientside This fixes certain matrices being nulled out when they are not supposed to, such as prop_vehicle_choreo_generic look angles Do not EstimateAbsVelocity since we network it for every entity anyway prop_vehicle_choreo_generic SetCanShoot now lets you shoot Simply sets SetAllowWeaponsInVehicle on the player, rather than what Portal 2 was doing Add some more known backdoor URL to blacklist Added more entities from Portal 2 point_viewcontrol_multiplayer point_viewproxy npc_personality_core placeholder
9 Days Ago
Portal 2 Coop spawnpoints Some more Portal 2 map icons Added some logic entities logic_register_activator logic_coop_manager Serverside only entities that are generic enough to be useful outside of the game they come from. Bump default value of sbox_maxconstraints to 2000 Placeholder entities for Portal 2 excursion funnel and wheatley boss Exclude gmod.exe from srcds win32 deploys Added Hacked and Harmless Rollermine variants to spawnmenu Added new inputs/keyvalues to prop_vehicle_choreo_generic from P2 Inputs: SetCanShoot UseAttachmentEyes - doesnt work SetMaxPitch SetMinPitch SetMaxYaw SetMinYaw KVs: playercanshoot useattachmenteyes
11 Days Ago
Fixed a crash with Panel:AppendText
12 Days Ago
Updated language files
12 Days Ago
TTT: check data_static for rearm scripts for use in workshop addons
14 Days Ago
Fix CNewParticleEffect.AddControlPoint attachment default value No longer produces console warnings when not given an attachment name
14 Days Ago
npc_combinecamera fires OnLostEnemy output Remove unused stringtables * GMod specific GModGameInfo * Source's ServerMapCycle and InfoPanel, and their panels Minor cleanups Double `modelprecache` max size to 8k
15 Days Ago
Added `SetLifetime` input to prop_combine_ball 0 or negative values make it infinite. BallCaught and OnBallCaught input/output for portal BALL ent Do not network duplicate health/velocity for players Since it is already done for all entities Do not set collision bounds on physgun beam I don't know why it was being set at all, it's not a physical entity, so let's try simply not setting the collision bounds and see what happens. Not setting the bounds saves on network bandwidth. Minor cleanups
15 Days Ago
Fix networking of gib scale to clients Do not initialize the scaled prop physobj as shadow for client only ents
16 Days Ago
Undo changes to m_OverrideSubMaterials
16 Days Ago
Update decals_subrect.txt Updated from HL2, to contain 2 new Portal decals You can gravity gun portal energy balls successfully Fixed studiomdl crashing with remapping sequences Remove unused properties on SWEP internals Change how SWEPs store ViewModel/WorldModel/PrintName To get rid of 80 character limit for all 3 fields Remove another unused field from SWEPs Network gravity scale for players, for prediction Reduce network bits for player's drivingmode/player class No server has 2^32 unique classes Network m_bSprintEnabled for prediction (Player:SprintDisable) Fixed insane network load of ManipulateBone* functions Optimize some more player networking m_OverrideSubMaterials array m_iTeam reduced bits (from 32)
17 Days Ago
Network compat breaking changes * Removed bodyque system/entity * Remvoed vote_controller entity Bump network version & .exe version Fix weapon_snark network types Remove m_bHL2EpisodicBehaviour from gmod gamerules CTEPhysicsProp model scale networking TEHL2MPFireBullets Y axis spread networking Completely remove the commentary system Fix incorrect particles spawning if there are too many garrysmod-issues/issues/5509 Remove test_traceline entity Restore portal entity clientside parts (lasers) `teamonly` in `player_say` event networked
17 Days Ago
▍▊▍▊▆ ▉▉▍▋▋▊▌▅▊ ▇▆▋ ▅█▊ ▇ ▇▍▋▉▆▇▆█ ▄▍▅▅▇ (▇▇▅▅▌▆▍▊)
18 Days Ago
Minor cleanups
21 Days Ago
Prevent crashes to do with removal of world entity (another method)
21 Days Ago
Iterate over Server Browser Last Played marker Also localize the string Disable 24BPP optimization for .png/jpeg loader This may or may not be causing issues for random players sometimes maybe?!?!?! when joining servers Delete -vpfix from studiomdl.exe Has unwanted sideeffects StudioMDL: Fix models with more than 65k vertices breaking up Merged some changes from CS:GO's studiomdl Add support for BONE_HAS_SAVEFRAME_ROT32 Fixed animations from newer mdl versions not playing in GMod Move default console position to the left a bit So it does not obstruct certain UI elements by default Fix "nav_blocked" event not being registered
22 Days Ago
+1 the month in the server browser last played
22 Days Ago
FF & NeoTokyo spawnpoints + Map Category (Community Contribution) Rework how spawnpoint entities are added in base gamemode One file now, not 25 duplicated files. Minor code cleanups Linux: Do not ExecuteToPriority if there are no jobs This addresses slowdowns on Linux (srcds?) to do with the filesystem garrysmod-issues/issues/5932
23 Days Ago
TTT: fix ragdoll not being created if ttt_dyingshot is on Community contribution
23 Days Ago
Adjust how we disable self-unblocking for Lua-blocked navmeshes Adds NAV_MESH_BLOCKED_LUA Navmesh auto-blocking checks now run on map start/cleanup Makes certain code that was meant to run on map cleanup to actually run now. Also updates blocked status of nav areas on map load
24 Days Ago
Fixed regression with nav_update_blocked concommand Make gui.HideGameUI work more like the hook Instead of disabling the function entirely, holding shift would disable its functionality, and it displays a message on how to bypass it, if it blocks the main menu one too many times.
24 Days Ago
More sensible defaults for 360 controller bindings $eyeposition and $illumposition are now affected by $scale Block gui/input.SetCursorPos while main menu is open
25 Days Ago
Pull requests * Prevent certain addons creating Lua errors after new changes to do with Lua auto refresh handling in the spawnmenu * Added missing localization string for German langauge in TTT * Reduced net.WritePlayer bitcount based on server's maxplayers
25 Days Ago
Restore gui.HideGameUI for menu state VRAD displays lighting mode in the log (HDR vs SDR) VRAD static prop lighting HDR related changes Only output .tga files for LDR compiles Only output .pfm files for HDR compiles Compile HDR .ppl files, without overwriting the LDR ones Swap-in HDR static prop lightmaps when HDR lighting is in use Fixed impaled NPCs not appearing in the kill feed
28 Days Ago
TF2 new map icons/category + adjust some dark ones Also fill the texture with white color if freeimage fails This is for .png image loading Adjust VRAD's -dumppropmaps TGA output to be correct Adjust the tga texture to be representative of what is written to PPL files, fixing out of color range texture bugs.
28 Days Ago
Fixed duplicated constraints making Lua errors sometimes Resolve memory alignment issues with 24bit images (.pngs, etc.)
29 Days Ago
Filter for preset list Called GM:PlayerAuthed outside of player prediction (so curtime is valid) Effectively makes the hook run a bit sooner within the same frame/tick it used to. Fixed Player:UniqueID returning nothing before InitSpawn Fallback to garrysmod.ver for when Steam is not available to get BRANCH Disable gui.HideGameUI, block cancelselect VRAD: -dumppropmaps also dumps the lightmaps as .pfm Also dump files to /sp_lightmaps/ instead of base dir Don't display alpha channel for non alpha formats (RGB888, etc) This is for mat_texture_list 1 Use non alpha format for images without alpha (.png/.jpeg loader) This should hopefully save some memory Resave Post Processing icons to not have alpha channel Since they don't use alpha anyway
30 Days Ago
Mount folder addons before Workshop system
30 Days Ago
Refine sv_max_userinfo_rate further Hopefully this fixes issues on map load "Start Disabled" spawnflag for env_projectedtexture The "Enabled" spawnflag makes no sense as the entity is always enabled on creation across all SourceSDK2013 games according to the source code. Restore missing options in env_projectedtexture in Hammer Also rearranged useful options to the top, added browse texture button to the texture keyvalue env_projectedtexture Toggle input Added ProjectedTexture:Get/SetNoCull()
31 Days Ago
Reduce saverestore buffer to 12M to match x86-64 Don't display "Vehicle X has invalid wheel attachment" for airboat Use localization strings for Legal tab in Options Also moved all gmod-specific strings to garrysmod_english.txt, from gameui_english.txt Code cleanup
32 Days Ago
gmad.exe - do not pause when launched through existing cmd.exe (Partially Community Contrib) Make "force open main menu" warning an informational one (Community Contrib) Also make it use a localization string RPG entering water does not slow down Also if the RPG missile somehow reaches speed close to 0, explode (before required exactly zero)
33 Days Ago
Replace usage of "devshots_screenshot" with "screenshot" Add "killserver" to concommand blacklist Correct UTF8<->UTF16 conversion for close caption function & hook Try to resolve issues caused by sv_max_userinfo_rate for extreme cases
35 Days Ago
Added sv_max_userinfo_rate This is aimed at preventing malicious clients eating server CPU. It is unlikely server owners would need to touch this cvar, but just in case its there. More strict application of GMODSandbox GDClass in Hammer So `point_spotlight` doesn't have useless keyvalues on it. Added "Last played date" for each server in the server browser
36 Days Ago
Rollback game.CleanUpMap removing tempents and beams Apparently crashes on x86-64 somehow, sometimes, for some people Fixed a few more potential crashing issues Fix a lag issue to do with spamming certain packets to the server from client
37 Days Ago
Fixed Panel.Exec not working on SetHTML'd HTML panels
37 Days Ago
Fixed wrong translation string used in recent changes (oopsie)
37 Days Ago
Fixed a crash to do with teleporting constrained entities Removed unused variables in Problems panels Pull Requests * Use localization strings for GMod-specific keyboard settings * TTT: Updated Turkish localization * Use 4 number overload of surface.SetDrawColor in base game for performance Tooltips for vehicles in spawnmenu akin to those for SWEPs, SENTs Resistance turrets only set the 2 valid skins (was trying to use 4) Localize NPC and Vehicle spawnmenu tab entries Added Resistance Turrets to spawnmenu if Episode 2 is mounted Adjust "Prison Guard" localization strings Also remove unintentional changes
38 Days Ago
Use the #classname for Sandbox editors and Bouncy BALL Localize stuff added by game_hl2.lua (Partially Community Contribution)
39 Days Ago
Jalopy model with adjusted correct suspension travel Bump `cvarlist` buffers from 128 to 1024
39 Days Ago
Added color input/kv for `func_water_analog` Episodic headcrab models They have ceiling animations for ep1 + lamarr merged model Fix missing Ladder.WoodStepRight/Left soundscripts (ep2) Merged gman model Remove missing skins from certain PHX props concrete_barrier00.mdl concrete_barrier01.mdl box_torpedo.mdl box_amraam.mdl Minor code cleanup
42 Days Ago
Episodic combine_intmonitor props with extra skin gmad.exe allows .vtx files again Try writing current git branch to garrysmod.ver
44 Days Ago
Give titles to windows build scripts, so I know what's running Merged ghostanim.mdl and blackout.mdl Instead of doing a hack for Episode 1, just merge all these models from all the half-life 2 games, and including portal 1 Episodic Poison Zombie model with fixed animation events Advisor episodic model hack The models are too different to be merged, so we swap the ep2 one in, on spawn
45 Days Ago
Episodic models for Combine Dropship and Mossman They should contain all animations for all 3 games.