Clean GetPrefabScene - actually load the prefab scene if not loaded (although I feel like this would already be doing that if it should be doing it)
Add TypeDescription.GetValue, SetValue - handles both properties and fields for QOL
TextDialog cleanup
ControlSheet.AddRow just creates a ControlWidgetRow (single path)
Move ComponentSheetHeader to its own file
Now GameObjectTransformControl uses the new path, we don't need to manually align margins
MakeIdGuidsUnique returns a translation dictionary
Store prefab guid to instance guid translation table on prefab instance root GameObject
Add EditorUtility.Prefabs.CreateAsset, obsolete GameObject.GetAsPrefab
Add CloneConfig.PrefabVariables
Add PrefabFile.VariableList
Simplify prefab instance lookup object by id
Add PrefabScene.VariableCollection
Prefab variables end to end