7 Months Ago
Fixed GMod force-adding "English (US)" keyboard layout Make "English (Europe)" not an unknown language Also add internal ID to unknown languages Added -disablehttp command line parameter Disables HTTP global function (http.Fetch/Post use that) Fixed GMod now removing English US keyboard layout Use Windows API to get keyboard layout names when not in our list -disablehttp also blocks Panel:OpenURL and sound.PlayURL http.Fetch/Post calls onFailure callback if HTTP() returns false Fix RichText InsertColorChange to black not working when its the first color change RichText uses localized string for Copy conext menu option Also fixed Text Entry Copy/Cut context menu buttons not being disabled when they should be && => || Check if onfailure exists in http.Fetch/Post Fixed crazy mouse acceleration values completely breaking player view Also limited some of the cvars to sane values, m_customaccel_max and m_customaccel_exponent specifically Added ficool2's VRAD ambient occlusion implementation Adds the following new parameters: -aofacesamples -aopropsamples -aoNoSquare See vrad.exe help for defaults/explanations Fix errors with singular static prop causing VRAD to bail for all remaining Unhide sv_stressbots and make it a cheat Reduce max allowed voice packets per frame to 48 (from 64) Include map name in map related disconnect messages Kick players who send impossible voice packet sizes Added sv_signon_dos_disconnect from CS:GO