36 Days Ago
Particle system changes Added: Set child control points from particle positions - set orientation Set control points from particle positions Set per child control point from particle position Remap Distance Between Two Control Points to Scalar - output is scalar of current value Remap Distance Between Two Control Points to CP Remap Percentage Between Two Control Points to Scalar Remap Percentage Between Two Control Points to Vector Set Control Point To Player - Use Eye Orientation Set CP Offset to CP Percentage Between Two Control Points Cull when crossing sphere Fix some compile warnings (Hammer) Ported even more particle operators from CS:GO C_OP_SetControlPointToImpactPoint C_OP_RemapSpeed C_OP_RemapCPtoVector C_OP_RemapBoundingVolumetoCP C_OP_RemapVelocityToVector C_OP_RemapCPVelocityToVector C_OP_RemapAverageScalarValuetoCP C_OP_RampScalarLinear C_OP_RampScalarSpline C_OP_RampScalarSplineSimple C_OP_RampScalarLinearSimple C_OP_NormalLock C_OP_SetControlPointRotation C_OP_SetCPOrientationToDirection C_OP_LerpVector C_OP_LerpScalar More csgo particle operators C_OP_RemapControlPointDirectionToVector C_OP_NormalizeVector C_OP_RotateVector C_OP_ClampScalar C_OP_ClampVector C_OP_InheritFromParentParticles New CS:GO particle initializers C_INIT_OffsetVectorToVector C_INIT_RemapSpeedToScalar C_INIT_NormalAlignToCP C_INIT_NormalOffset C_INIT_SequenceFromCP C_INIT_InheritFromParentParticles C_INIT_RemapInitialDirectionToCPToVector C_INIT_RemapInitialCPDirectionToRotation implement particlefield_rotation selector for PET