6 Days Ago
Added sv_maxvoicepacketsperframe Text parsing: Handle loading/writing \r correctly (Hammer VMF) Hammer: Entity comments allow adding new lines with Enter In Entity Properties window, the Comment field Expand func_precipitation key-value info about custom particles Finish description of sv_maxvoicepacketsperframe Uncheat sv_player_usercommand_timeout and default to 0.5 0.5 is the value GMod originally had Add sv_player_usercommand_timeout_lastcmd default to 1. Rerun the last command instead of a null command. This was the previous behavior. Replace DDrawer :: text with icons Spawnmenu drawers scale the category list So that when the drawer(s) are open the bottom categories are not hidden behind the drawer Fixed scrollbar parent resizing not adjusting scrollbar grip posiiton Revert "Merged some anti usercmd abuse stuff from TF2 SDK" Causes weird issues around the game Fixed CRopeKeyframe having huge serverside bounds when not attached it was adding (0 0 0) (or really, the offset point) as world coordinates to include in the bounding box Fixed trigger_remove.OnRemove not working at all Remove sv_autojump as it does nothing Pull Requests * TTT: add ttt_filter_role entity * TTT: Close player volume slider along with scoreboard * Updated AngularJS from 1.1.2 to 1.8.2 + potential performance improvements * Fixed DButton:SetConsoleCommand() not accepting vararg * New Localisation Phrases Pull Requests * TTT: Fixed players sometimes being revealed as dead when they chat/voicechat right as they die * TTT: Let TTTLastWordsMsg hook override default behaviour * Cleaner server list layout code & Better display on small screens