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8 Years Ago
Spawn tweaks
8 Years Ago
Lighthouse collision fixes
8 Years Ago
Fixed surface dimensions mismatch error when resizing viewport
8 Years Ago
Added lighthouse LODs
8 Years Ago
Added destruction handling to stuff.
8 Years Ago
Fixed an editor bug where debug utility would always steal application focus when selecting a Unit
8 Years Ago
Portait widget background tweak
8 Years Ago
Portait camera post + lighting tweaks People can only hug other humans, not items, buildings etc. UIWidgets reset tweener states on Awake Shader variants Hug doesn't randomise wait Hug has a GoTo (Distance 1) action in the chain (might break shit) Unity 5.4.1 StatManipulator as Definitions boilerplate
8 Years Ago
Debug stuff in network
8 Years Ago
Added new paint test project
8 Years Ago
Fixed line issue with reporter
8 Years Ago
Moving stuff Cave gravel models/Prefabs Cave small rocks prefabs Material tweaks, dressing
8 Years Ago
Added connect options for local/ec2
8 Years Ago
missed from last checkin
8 Years Ago
simplified tortoise improved rigging to add a ragdoll, athough it behaves oddly and snaps back to spawn point on death
8 Years Ago
Deleted scene
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Poolables now use IDestroyEvents
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Disable shadows on unit portait cloned views
8 Years Ago
Seperated LookAt and FaceTarget into distinct Action types, Expand/Collapse all in DataBrowserTab (GOTY 2034) Increased culling ranges for some layers (units, buildings, world) Refactored UIManager cursor state handling, support for overrides Added a bunch of logic for cursors states in PlayerController Effect "Add Conditions" are evaluated in EffectSettings.CanApply Added BaseBehaviourPlanSettings.CursorOverride field, does what you might expect Added BehaviourExposureTypes enum, cleaned up how we control Player/AI behaviour exposure Fixed some Abilties not being correctly evaulated by the player controller prior to populating the radial menu
8 Years Ago
Selection indicator tweak.
8 Years Ago
Automated Linux DS Build #428
8 Years Ago
More work on breeding, though not quite working yet (seeing breeding groups with single participants).
8 Years Ago
Hid emote and ponder from action queue UI.
8 Years Ago
Energy fix.
8 Years Ago
NetworkEntities now only serialize components that are dirty.
8 Years Ago
del unused model
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Automated Windows Build #428
8 Years Ago
Automated OSX Build #428
8 Years Ago
Automated Linux Build #428
8 Years Ago
rabbit ragdoll
8 Years Ago
* Added Is_Angle internal helper ( to be consistent with Is_Vector, etc ) * Angle() global now works the same way as Vector() global, i.e. Giving it an angle object will return a copy of it, etc
8 Years Ago
cherry picking diogo's fix to 4way blend
8 Years Ago
rock_ledge model/textures/LODs/COL/Prefab
8 Years Ago
misc progress/backup
8 Years Ago
Fixed spec/metallic blend layer toggles not activating keywords
8 Years Ago
Nixed energy drain from activities.
8 Years Ago
More work on Breeding.
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE asset scale change
8 Years Ago
DebugUtility won't do shit when entering playmode if there's no Zones in the scene Unit.Animation.FaceTarget tweaking
8 Years Ago
AvatarPostprocessor rename
8 Years Ago
Bear has correct corpse
8 Years Ago
StatManipulatorParametersDrawer no longer tries to access TimeManager instance properties in Editor code, causing a stack overflow : Building hooks into TimeManager events
8 Years Ago
improved wood hut ground shape