userAdam Woolridgecancel

1,377 Commits over 578 Days - 0.10cph!

9 Years Ago
- Reverted some random script changes that were causing errors??
9 Years Ago
- Level up panel now correctly shows if and how many unspent skill points are available
9 Years Ago
- Added a panel to gameplay UI ready to show when you have unspent skills
9 Years Ago
- Decreased item hoover range from 200 to 100
9 Years Ago
- Moved hit shader effect calling code to a component, EntityHitEffect, and made it a required component of BaseEntityt - Made the values of hit effect accessible from the inspector - Added the hit effect to enemy prefabs for area 1 - Patcher glue now is correctly set to destroy on impact - Set camera shake values to somethig noticeable again on the new camera prefab
9 Years Ago
- Hit effect flash now has a shorter duration (0.05 instead of 0.1)
9 Years Ago
- Floating text for XP
9 Years Ago
- Boozeburners, patchers and spikey things all now have loot chances - Crates are no longer guaranteed to drop items - Added small chance of health orbs to all loot drops
9 Years Ago
- Increased the amount of experience needed to level up
9 Years Ago
- Made starting weapon crappier
9 Years Ago
- Boozeburner tweaks
9 Years Ago
- Loot is now hoovered up when in range
9 Years Ago
- Increased size of placeholder loot model - Clicking left stick now shows the names for all dropped loot items, if they've timed out and hidden.
9 Years Ago
- Increased size of loot crates
9 Years Ago
- Loot items now have larger name text and the text colour matches the item's quality - Pressing R on the character select screen now wipes all save slots and reloads the scene (for dev)
9 Years Ago
- Started reworking the way enemy difficulty/level is scaled
9 Years Ago
- Changes to boost
9 Years Ago
- Added a lerp speed mulitplier for when boosting to allow the camera to follow faster.
9 Years Ago
- Character/inventory screen model now shows equipped items correctly
9 Years Ago
- Added the new player ship base model to the character screen (equipped items don't reflect playership yet)
9 Years Ago
- Skill tree points are now capped at one per character level
9 Years Ago
- Points spent in skill trees are now saved to disk and reloaded. Unlocked abilities are restored.
9 Years Ago
- Weapons now save and restore their correct ammo prefab type and shoot the right thing when loaded again!
9 Years Ago
- Equipped items saving/loading of baseitems now works properly again and now re-equips the items properly and applies the correct loot item models to the player ship
9 Years Ago
- Fixed a bunch of warnings - Removed missing components from some prefabs - Deleted the old and unuse melee/ranged ship prefabs
9 Years Ago
- Camera script tweaks
9 Years Ago
- WIP loading/saving changes
9 Years Ago
- Increased size of hit impact - Increased size of explosion - Reduced size of grenade projectiles - Grenade test weapon now fires in burst of 4
9 Years Ago
- Ripped a lot of old code out of the save game system - Character creation screen slots are now just new or load, removed class stage. - Character loading/saving is back, but missing all the new stuff
9 Years Ago
- Changed Boozeburner layer so they don't get the outline effect
9 Years Ago
- Boozeburner changes from yesterday
9 Years Ago
- More equippables stuff - Weapons fire again
9 Years Ago
- Gave the test weapons in town different models
9 Years Ago
- Updated player ship prefab with new PlayerShipModels script - Items can now specify a model prefab to equip in the correct slot on the player ship - Collecting items with a model specified now equips the model correctly to the player ship
9 Years Ago
- Player ship model equipping is now done by model name
9 Years Ago
- Added a resources folder to the ship parts hierachy
9 Years Ago
- Fixed the old abilities UI screen interfering with the camera
9 Years Ago
- Player model part swapping work
9 Years Ago
- Area 1-2 changes and replaced camera with the new common camera prefab
9 Years Ago
- Deleted old camera prefab - Made a new camera prefab - Referenced new camera prefab in 1-1
9 Years Ago
- More 1-1 tweaks
9 Years Ago
- Made some of the corridors and areas wider in 1-1 to be more boob friendly
9 Years Ago
- Updated boozer burner prefab to use the new model
9 Years Ago
- Made temporary mission objective stay at correct spawn point
9 Years Ago
- Reworked raised section in 1-2 and now has extra exit
9 Years Ago
- Setup a Destroy mission and it's objectives in 1-2 - Fixed a bug in LevelSpawnItem.cs
9 Years Ago
- Basic enemy spawner placement for 1-2 - Fixed visual on Booze Burner prefab
9 Years Ago
- Finished rough layout of 1-2
9 Years Ago
- Removed some debug spam
9 Years Ago
- Laser/missile turret improvements