userAlex Rehbergcancel

12 Commits over 31 Days - 0.02cph!

8 Years Ago
Healthbar sounds Mavis racket/jetpack sounds Fix special meter sounds not playing when UI is hidden/reenabled
8 Years Ago
Special meter sounds Ingame text notification sounds ("great serve", etc) Footsteps, bodyfalls, and racket sounds for Igor Wing flap sounds for Owl Improved footscuff sounds
8 Years Ago
TennisController generic LevelLoaded system No CloudCity ring whoosh sounds during load screen Fix AudioListener getting destroyed when exiting a level
8 Years Ago
No Ambient sound during loadscreens.
8 Years Ago
Initial ambient sound pass for all courts Improved AudioListener management SoundDefinition can control spatialization and stereo spread
8 Years Ago
First pass at dojo court ambience
8 Years Ago
Sound recycle time fix
8 Years Ago
Foot scuff sounds for Igor & Lion-El's dust slides
8 Years Ago
merge from main/sound-initial-implementation
8 Years Ago
Add .DS_Store and ableton's .asd files to ignore.conf
8 Years Ago
Initial sound implementation. Generic footsteps. Generic racket sounds. Ball sounds. First pass at lava court ambience.
8 Years Ago