userBill Bcancel

20 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

6 Months Ago
Added client-side only cube thing
6 Months Ago
Remove debug print
6 Months Ago
Fixed ducking animating as if it was being pressed intermittently
6 Months Ago
Player body direction now working correctly. Let's allow the client to set body direction for now, like it used to - since it's closely associated with aiming. Server will control position. Repurpose tickViewAngles to get body rotation without needing new data.
6 Months Ago
Merge main -> HackWeekServerSizePlayerMovement (update to Unity 2021)
6 Months Ago
Player is now able to run again
6 Months Ago
Remove debug print
6 Months Ago
Change local player to accept position data from the server the same as other clients do. Local client now moves with server-side movement inputs (but no prediction yet).
6 Months Ago
Can now do very basic server-side movement (walking only, can't look around)
6 Months Ago
Minor edit only
6 Months Ago
Fixed SetParent NRE
6 Months Ago
Now that we can compile both client and server, run code gen. + simplified an RPC.
6 Months Ago
Server side now compiling. Commented out a lot of input code for the moment. Wanted to get everything compiling before I move all the inputs out of PlayerWalkMovement and into a new client-side input section
6 Months Ago
A lot of replacing movement state with model state on the client
6 Months Ago
Client side now compiling again
6 Months Ago
Last WIP for today
6 Months Ago
Removing code, moving code, many "SSM TODO"s for later
6 Months Ago
Minor edit
6 Months Ago
6 Months Ago