20 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Added client-side only cube thing
Fixed ducking animating as if it was being pressed intermittently
Player body direction now working correctly. Let's allow the client to set body direction for now, like it used to - since it's closely associated with aiming. Server will control position. Repurpose tickViewAngles to get body rotation without needing new data.
Merge main -> HackWeekServerSizePlayerMovement (update to Unity 2021)
Player is now able to run again
Change local player to accept position data from the server the same as other clients do. Local client now moves with server-side movement inputs (but no prediction yet).
Can now do very basic server-side movement (walking only, can't look around)
Now that we can compile both client and server, run code gen. + simplified an RPC.
Server side now compiling. Commented out a lot of input code for the moment. Wanted to get everything compiling before I move all the inputs out of PlayerWalkMovement and into a new client-side input section
A lot of replacing movement state with model state on the client
Client side now compiling again
Removing code, moving code, many "SSM TODO"s for later