userBill Bcancel

32 Commits over 30 Days - 0.04cph!

7 Months Ago
Scope transition edits and a small refactor
7 Months Ago
Added some overlap to edges of camera view, to hopefully fix visible lines
7 Months Ago
Added support for showing the camera UI dialog when first-person spectating someone who's ADSing the homing launcher, including the post-processing
7 Months Ago
Removed unused heliTip
7 Months Ago
UI canvas changes, to include it in the post-processing
7 Months Ago
Enabled Petur's post-processing on the homing launcher camera
7 Months Ago
Added zoom to homing launcher ADS, at 2x
7 Months Ago
Removed homing launcher ADS sound
7 Months Ago
Fixed multiple deploy sounds if multi-clicking while ADSing with homing launcher
7 Months Ago
Merge Main -> HML
7 Months Ago
Improved compile fix
7 Months Ago
Merge HomingMissileLauncher/ADS -> HomingMissileLauncher
7 Months Ago
Merge Main -> HomingMissileLauncher
8 Months Ago
Fixed flipped null check
8 Months Ago
Fixed more potential issues with MonoBehaviour casting to interface. Fixed flares not unsubscribing from SeekerTarget when destroyed if there was no collision.
8 Months Ago
Possible fix for InSafeZone NRE. Check IsUnityNull on owner, which has been cast to an interface.
8 Months Ago
Merge Main -> HomingMisileLauncher
8 Months Ago
Homing rockets now go forward a little before going up, allowing for shooting out of windows etc
8 Months Ago
Got SeekerTest working again
8 Months Ago
Merge Main -> HomingMissileLauncher
8 Months Ago
Only allow homing missile targeting when helicopter engine is on
8 Months Ago
Clear locked target when orphaned
8 Months Ago
Merge SwimSolution -> AttackHelicopter
8 Months Ago
Fixed some compile issues. WIP on not allowing reloading launcher if there is a missile already in the air
8 Months Ago
Can no longer lock on to targets if target isn't visible
8 Months Ago
Added a comment to BaseEntity.RPC explaining the unusual line-of-sight check
8 Months Ago
Can't lock on homing launcher when target is in a safe zone. Refactored SeekerTarget to use an ISeekerTargetOwner interface, and moved the InSafeZone methods into BaseEntity.Triggers.
8 Months Ago
#SERVER compile area for SeekerTarget
8 Months Ago
Moved homing rocket FX so they're covered by the HideUntilMobile rule
8 Months Ago
Fixed HideUntilMobile NRE on homing rocket
8 Months Ago
Disabled ADS on homing missile launcher for this release
8 Months Ago
Merge Main -> Homing Missile Launcher