141 Commits over 92 Days - 0.06cph!
Scope transition edits and a small refactor
Added some overlap to edges of camera view, to hopefully fix visible lines
Added support for showing the camera UI dialog when first-person spectating someone who's ADSing the homing launcher, including the post-processing
UI canvas changes, to include it in the post-processing
Enabled Petur's post-processing on the homing launcher camera
Added zoom to homing launcher ADS, at 2x
Removed homing launcher ADS sound
Fixed multiple deploy sounds if multi-clicking while ADSing with homing launcher
Merge HomingMissileLauncher/ADS -> HomingMissileLauncher
Merge Main -> HomingMissileLauncher
Fixed more potential issues with MonoBehaviour casting to interface. Fixed flares not unsubscribing from SeekerTarget when destroyed if there was no collision.
Possible fix for InSafeZone NRE. Check IsUnityNull on owner, which has been cast to an interface.
Merge Main -> HomingMisileLauncher
Homing rockets now go forward a little before going up, allowing for shooting out of windows etc
Updated homing missile reloadTime
update homing missile launcher override controller with correct idle stand animation linked
scaled down missile on homing missile launcher anims to 0.01 rather than 0.1 to hide it better when not in use
Got SeekerTest working again
Merge Main -> HomingMissileLauncher
Only allow homing missile targeting when helicopter engine is on
Clear locked target when orphaned
Merge SwimSolution -> AttackHelicopter
When a homing missile launcher is holstered all of it's missiles are marked as orphans and will start to veer off course
An orphaned rocket cannot receive a target, regardless of what the player equips
Note that when firing at a stationary target this may still result in the target getting hit, there's some randomness
Don't allow the homing missile launcher to launch a missile if any other launchers on the players belt have an active missile in flight
UI missile in flight indicator will display if any launchers on the players belt have an active missile
Disable ironsights component on homing missile launcher viewmodel, hopefully fixes occassional snapping
edited 3p hml anims, changed idle pose, edited reload and added breathing idle
exported view model homing missile anims again so the upper left arm does not show when clothing is equipped and admire animation is played
edited ads idle so it doesnt glitch and admire anim so the left arm mesh doesnt come into view on homing missile launcher anims
Recache viewmodel renderers for all homing missile launcher renderers, seems to fix the distorted missile issue in editor
Added a homing missile world model (used a box collider due to lack of collision mesh)
Added a gametip to the heli gunner UI to explain the controls (the distortion makes it a little hard to read, but better than nothing)
Show an icon on the crosshair while a homing missile is active
Increase reload time
Don't allow reloading while the launcher is Busy - the launcher is considered busy if it has a rocket in mid-air
Fixed some compile issues. WIP on not allowing reloading launcher if there is a missile already in the air
Can no longer lock on to targets if target isn't visible
Added a comment to BaseEntity.RPC explaining the unusual line-of-sight check
Can't lock on homing launcher when target is in a safe zone. Refactored SeekerTarget to use an ISeekerTargetOwner interface, and moved the InSafeZone methods into BaseEntity.Triggers.
#SERVER compile area for SeekerTarget
Moved homing rocket FX so they're covered by the HideUntilMobile rule
Fixed HideUntilMobile NRE on homing rocket
Disabled ADS on homing missile launcher for this release