userBill Bcancel

74 Commits over 30 Days - 0.10cph!

10 Months Ago
Changed Tugboat physic colliders from metal to wood where appropriate
10 Months Ago
Added additional collider to fix tugboat collision bug
11 Months Ago
Added support for the lights in the tugboat smoke stack at heavy damage levels
11 Months Ago
Explosives on Tugboat now work the same way as explosives on buildings. A timed explosive on a door doesn't do splash damage to the boat, and a timed explosive on the boat doesn't damage the door.
11 Months Ago
Hooked up Petur's tugboat damage FX. Disabled the Fire Lights for now until I have a way to turn them on and off properly.
11 Months Ago
Updated the UI tooltip for "occupied" sleeping bag to now include underwater as a possibility
11 Months Ago
Removed my tugboat concrete barriers, this has now been handled in a more official capacity.
11 Months Ago
Don't allow spawning from a sleeping bag if it's underwater
11 Months Ago
Minor edit
11 Months Ago
Convar changes: - Tugboat.tugboat_corpse_seconds is now Tugboat.tugcorpseseconds. Default 7200 (2 hours). - New Tugboat.tugdecayminutes replaces MotorRowboat.outsidedecayminutes and MotorRowboat.deepwaterdecayminutes for tugboat. Default 2160 (36 hours). - New MotorRowboat.decaystartdelayminutes sets time between a boat or sub being last used and decay starting. Default 45. This was the previous default but it wasn't convar'd. - New Tugboat.tugdecaystartdelayminutes sets same as the above but for tugboat. Default 1440 (24 hours).
11 Months Ago
Added a ring of PreventBuilding areas around the tugboat, to prevent griefing by building nearby
11 Months Ago
Fixed items dropped on Tugboat sometimes causing tugboat physics stall. Dropped items now use Continuous Speculative. Removed DroppedMode covar. When Unity detects a bad Continuous or Continuous Dynamic collision - i.e. one that looks like it will pass through an object between ticks - it stops the object immediately in place. This is the reason why modular cars must use Discrete physics collision and by extension why we need the Vehicle World physics layer to supply big chunky colliders, and the additional lastPosWasBad checks in ModularCar.Server VehicleFixedUpdate. If we used continuous, cars would occasionally come to an unexplained complete halt when driving fast on rough terrain. Continuous Speculative is a different thing entirely - more like Discrete collision, but the collider bounds extend into the space where they'll be during the next tick. At our low 16Hz tick rate, this wasn't usable for modular cars either as it turned them into something that felt like a big long surfboard at high speeds. QA discovered a bug where Tugboat physics would sometimes glitch out and come to a stop when items were dropped on it while it was moving. This immediately reminded me of the continuous collision resolution problem above, but Tugboat was already using Continuous Speculative - chosen mainly because Continuous Speculative, being designed to handle even kinematic collisions, behaved relatively well when the Tugboat collided with the moving non-rigidbody Cargo Ship. What I've now found is that the Continuous/Continuous Dynamic "move back to previous pos and set velocity to zero" bad-collision fix seems to apply to both members of a collision, even if one isn't on Continuous/Continuous Dynamic. Dropped items were Continuous Dynamic by default, and moving them to the Continuous Speculative layer fixes this bug. I don't expect any trouble with the change since they're relatively slow-moving. The dropped item collision mode was on a convar. Since all options except for Continuous Speculative are likely to cause trouble of some sort on moving physics bodies, I've removed the droppedmode convar entirely.
11 Months Ago
Fixed water from a bucket being so powerful that it sinks tugboats
11 Months Ago
Fixed player no longer parenting to tugboat
11 Months Ago
Added a couple of concrete blocks to tugboat to block visuals where there's already a collider
11 Months Ago
Fixed up other vehicles that also had identically-named collider objects
11 Months Ago
Fixed more duplicate bone names no Tugboat
11 Months Ago
Added an editor-only warning in Model.cs for bones without unique names. Now in the future instead of spending an hour tracking down why decals are in the wrong place and eventually discovering it's duplicate bone names, I'll be able to spend an hour tracking down why decals are in the wrong place and then finally remember to look for this warning.
11 Months Ago
Fixed two GameObjects in the Tugboat collider set both being called "Misc" causing bullet decals to show up in an offset position due to the bone ID finder selecting a different bone than the initially hit bone when re-converting the local space hit point to world space.
11 Months Ago
Re-enabled world item parenting on tugboat. Having it off seems to cause more problems than it solves - we can tackle items falling through the boat a different way.
11 Months Ago
Don't parent NPC players to tugboat
11 Months Ago
Switched Tugboat to use Continuous Speculative collision instead of Continuous Dynamic. This seems to get less confused by Cargo Ship's weird non-physics collisions, since it's made to handle kinematic situations.
11 Months Ago
Increased depth of Cargo bow trigger and modified TriggerVehiclePush again
11 Months Ago
Fixed cargo ship not pushing tugboat well with its bow wave push trigger
11 Months Ago
Increased tugboat flatWaterLerp to 0.4. Let's still bump on the waves a bit.
11 Months Ago
Removed unused buoyancy waveHeightScale var.
11 Months Ago
Set up Water5 correction forces for Tugboat
11 Months Ago
Decreased tugboat drag. Set tugboat MaxVelocity value.
11 Months Ago
Replaced top-tier door concave mesh collider with four primitive colliders, so that it can work on rigidbody vehicles like tugboat with full physics interaction. Fixes thrown weapons no sticking to it
11 Months Ago
Fixed explosives on doors on tugboat damaging tugboat instead of door
11 Months Ago
Better staircase collision on Tugboat (for gunplay)
11 Months Ago
Adjusted a couple of corner colliders on tugboat
11 Months Ago
Fixed a thrown salvaged sword that sticks into the tugboat ceiling causing the tugboat to fly
11 Months Ago
Solved satchel charges sometimes attaching to invisible lights on the Tugboat
11 Months Ago
Greatly reduced the total amount of LODGroups on the Tugboat
11 Months Ago
Adjusted Tugboat LODs, cull from further away
11 Months Ago
Mark tugboat_a_interior_gibs as read/write
11 Months Ago
Increased the mass of some world models to more realistic values to improve physics interactions (particularly with Tugboat), and so we don't have stuff like duct tape and apples weighing more than shotguns and flamethrowers.
11 Months Ago
Tugboat, don't parent Debris layer stuff. It seems to work more reliably without parenting.
11 Months Ago
Fixed corrupted tugboat prefab
11 Months Ago
Edit to my inventory loadout only
11 Months Ago
Prevent any more deploying on tugboat after it reaches 0HP and enters 'corpse' state
11 Months Ago
Fixed tugboat being destroyed when loaded from a save
11 Months Ago
Allow timed explosives to attach to Tugboat
11 Months Ago
Revert accidental tugboat HP change
11 Months Ago
Added Prevent Building volume to base of tugboat, so you can't flip it over and start placing chairs on the bottom
11 Months Ago
Fixed dropped items falling through things. Only move to harvestable layer if the "dropped" item is stuck into something. Ignore if it's free rolling.
11 Months Ago
Increased Tugboat corpse time from 5 minutes (boat_corpse_seconds convar) to two hours. New convar: tugboat_corpse_seconds
11 Months Ago
Made the screens flicker and take a little while to come up completely when the engine starts up
11 Months Ago
Tugboat instrument panel emission now turns off when boat engine is off