16 Commits over 31 Days - 0.02cph!
Fixed glowing billboards on trumpet trees
Tweaked LOD distances on bromeliads
Adjusted jungle densities
Jungle ground plants progress / ferns and optimization
Bomeliads / cleaned up all textures
Trumpet tree / manual SSS tweaks / added AO
Color corrected all trumpet trees
Reexported trumpet trees with AO (AO got deleted by mistake)
Jungle ground plant progress / arrowroot
Arrowroot spawn populations
Trumpet tree prefab setup / updated bounds, colliders and markers
Trumpet tree custom colliders
Trumpet tree billboard setup
Trumpet tree temp billboards
Added jungle tree spawners to spawn.procmap.v3
Created spawn settings for jungle trees and added them to the jungle biome
Removed jungle biome from temp_forest spawn settings
Tweaked jungle tree prefabs to LOD better