userDaniel Pcancel

11 Commits over 31 Days - 0.01cph!

Merge: from item_pooling This reintroduces pooling for Items while fixing the original bug that caused their backout. Tests: build all modes in editor, tried to repro original bug - didn't happen.
Merge: from itemcontainer_pooling Fixes the "Double init of inventory!" assert on killing NPCs. Tests: spawned scientist NPC, killed them - no assert logged, corpse still clothed and loot present.
Merge: from itemcontainer_pooling Tests: built all modes in editor, booted craggy - no asserts, loaded a save on procgen - no asserts.
8 Days Ago
Merge: from fix_hitinfo_pooling Tests: all modes build in editor, got attacked by animals then injure->kill - correct killer (and no leaks of HitInfo in Pool)
22 Days Ago
Merge: from /main/expand_ipooled Tests: tested all modes in editor, built client and server binaries, tried 2p local multiplayer - coor loop was good.
29 Days Ago
Merge: from /main/pool_reduce_freeunsafe Tests: tested on feature branch with build tests
29 Days Ago
Buildfix: updating stale DLL Tests: built all modes
30 Days Ago
Merge: from /main/experiment_reduce_gc_server_refresh Tests: ran new unit tests, checked Server Browser work
37 Days Ago
Buildfix: ifdef out ExplosionScreenBounceFade logic Tests: built all target modes, all green
38 Days Ago
Buildfix: unexpose a variable Leftover that I missed during cleanup, somehow tripped up the build. Tests: Build in all modes - pass. Ran unit tests - pass
38 Days Ago
merge from Pool_Remove_FreeDynamic Tests: ran new CompanionServerTests 10 times, all green