30,767 Commits over 3,867 Days - 0.33cph!
merge from
107427 fix_community_ui_nre
Merge from store-ui-gestures-pack
Fixed SKS description using the SAR token
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▉▍▄▊▄ ▌█▌▇ ▅█▊▆▊▍▇▌_▉▉▌_▊▄▌▌_█▋▄▊▄▋_█▊▄
merge from reenabled_kayak_flow_speed
merge from qol_io_arrows -> main
Merge from fix_community_ui_nre -> main
updated t1 smg name
lowered max ammo capacity of Handmade SMG
More checks to small rock formations
Increased radiuses on all small rock formation checks
▉▋▅▌▇ ▆▆▊▆ ▆▋▅▍▄▍▆▆▍▄_▉▇▅▍_█▋▅▆▅▅▄█_▇▋▄
▄██▊▌ ▇▌▅▅ ▌▍_▇▆▉▆_▉▋▇▄▅▆▌▋_▅▊▉█▉
▉▅▋██ █▇▊▄ /█▆▉▉▍▉▍/▇▋▄▋▄▊▉/
S2P cave_small_hard & cave_medium_hard - resolves oversized rock
merge from qol_io_arrows -> main
Merge from qol_io_arrows -> main
Fixed new rocks not being included in the water treatment plant and sewer branch HLOD meshes
S2P both
merge from LargeBackpack_WorkshopFixes - all submitted backpack skins will need to be tweaked and reuploaded.
sks and t1 smg - 3p mag dropping now working
disable Halloween Dungeon spawns
sks viewmodel - reduce rotation sway to fix arms clipping camera
Merge from mixingtable_click
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
▅▅▍█▊ █▅▇█ ▅▋█_█▍▉▆▇▋▍▋▅▌_▆▇▌▇▉▍▆▊▇▇
Mark SKS as an independent item, not a redirect (fixes incorrect blueprint whenr researching and not appearing in industrial conveyor filter)
Set up backpack holster position
Possible BlackjackMainScreenUI.SetNextFaceExpression NRE fix
Fixed tutorial placement snapping not working
▅█▄▅█ ▌▅▋▅ █▇▅▇▄▊█▅▅▅▋▆▇▌_▍▆▆▍█▊▊▊▊▊
merge from fix_npc_death_icon -> main
merge from fix_map_zoom_numbers -> main
Merge from fix_get_building_priv -> main
Fixed paddling pool water being invisible inside canyons