
12 Commits over 730 Days - 0.00cph!

2 Years Ago
tweak modular vehicle texture
3 Years Ago
adding crane magnet gibs model/mat
3 Years Ago
cloud billboard alternate triangulation
3 Years Ago
adding subsivision to cloud billboard
3 Years Ago
fixe dredge metal structure gap from fbx
3 Years Ago
fixed dredge zfight and some gaps
3 Years Ago
dredge fix from fbx
3 Years Ago
fixed zfighting and some mesh holes on dredge model
4 Years Ago
fixed deploy waterbucket 1st anim frame
4 Years Ago
tweak waterbucket material
4 Years Ago
fix waterbucket worldmodel orientation, tweak to reduce clipping
4 Years Ago
fix waterbucket