
13 Commits over 61 Days - 0.01cph!

10 Months Ago
kickstand tweak, removed unused sidecar model placeholder
10 Months Ago
merging gibs for sidecar and tricycle (merged the tricycle folder in the process)
10 Months Ago
updated motorbike kickstand skinning, mask texture, and materials setup
10 Months Ago
updated motorbike skinning
10 Months Ago
fixed bike NRE (no skinning on the bike yet)
10 Months Ago
updating motorbike model/texture/mat/lod/gibs
11 Months Ago
bicycle skin, LOD setup and rear wheel split for future setup
11 Months Ago
bicycle LOD0 skining and ik positrion adjustment
11 Months Ago
updating bicycle model
11 Months Ago
adding bike_sidecar prefab and WIP bicycle setup
11 Months Ago
missing kickstand model
11 Months Ago
separated kickstand from the main rig to allow for the sidecar connections
11 Months Ago
updating motorbike temp model/prefab