77 Commits over 28 Days - 0.11cph!
Fixed corpses not spawning when killed by a non authed player
Disabled ShowHealthInfo on towel corpses
Can now pickup bag and beds corpses, gives you the broken item
Enabled repair on vending machine item, so it can be repaired in a repair bench after being picked up on a corpse
Added a setting to hide the condition bar of a repairable item, so vending machines and TC items aren't showing an useless condition bar all the time
Doors block vending machine corpse repairing
Do not spawn deployable corpse when destroyed by its owner
Fixed server sending repair blocked errors in english instead of using the client language
merge from softcore_update
Fixed vending machine gibs not using skins
Combined gibs mesh for all corpses
Cleanup, fixes
Mesh combiner now supports meshes with different materials, creates one submesh per material
Added tool to automate corpse gibs mesh combining (took me way more time than doing all of them by hand, classic)
Removed GibsSimulator component on retro tc corpse (editor component)
Added vending machine corpse
Fixed corpse data request issues
Enabled condition on TCs, so their corpses can be picked up broken
Fixed corpse pickup an open interaction using CanBuild instead of IsAuthed
Fixed corpses not being oriented properly when falling
Added ignoredEntity support to DeployVolumeOBB, fixes corpses hitting themselves when looking for valid pos
Show the placement error when attempting to repair a corpse on an invalid pos
Fixed sleepers not blocking corpse repairing
Cleaner checks
Corpses landing on invalid positions aren't killed anymore, they're just not repairable
This prevents loot from being destroyed
Set all corpses repair costs to match repair bench repairing costs
Smaller workbench 3 corpse
Players do not collide with deployable corpses anymore
Corpses can be picked up, gives you the associated item with 0 health
Owners can now open container corpses to retrieve the loot without repairing
merge from softcore_update
Tweaked corpse decay durations
Corspes do not spawn from decay damage
Container corpse creator can use any BaseCombatEntity prefab
Fridge corpse
Fixed fridge gibs not using skins
Fixed beds and bags not running the right checks on repositioning
Disabled show health info on bed and bag corpses
Fixed LookatHealth RPC spam when looking at a corpse you don't own
merge from softcore_update
Fixed corpse repositionning failing
merge from softcore_update
Updated bounds of all container corpses
Collider fix on retro and shockbyte tc corpses
Disabled show health info on elec furnace corpse
Improved corpse repositioning on ground missing
When creating gibs, only care about max gibs limit when we are in playmode
So you can still use Create gibs in scene with maxgibs set to -1
RepositionOnGroundMissing now tries to run the Socket_Base placement rules (if any), instead of using the hit normal
Fixes some issue with angle check socket mods when repositionning falling corpses
Set corpse timePlaced when spawning it
Corpse colliders now ignore the Physics Debris layer only on the client
Fixed some colliders sticking out
Coffin corpse tweaks
merge from softcore_update
Fixed corpses deploy check hitting themselves and preventing ground missing repositioning