userIsaac Souacicancel

29 Commits over 61 Days - 0.02cph!

1 Year Ago
Fixed LODs of the marketplace terminal
1 Year Ago
Updated Reclaim Terminal
1 Year Ago
Added Reclaim Terminal
2 Years Ago
Updated prefab of the marketplace
2 Years Ago
Fixed vertex painting values for the marketplace
2 Years Ago
Added rust with vertex painting to the marketplace
2 Years Ago
Fixed a bug in the collider or the coaling tower collector
2 Years Ago
Fixed prefabs of the marketplace
2 Years Ago
Made changes on the marketpalce terminal
2 Years Ago
Updated textures of the marketplace's tarpaulin
2 Years Ago
Added LODs to the marketplace terminal and updated the prefabs
2 Years Ago
Adjusted marketpalce_cloth material
2 Years Ago
Added tarpaulin to the marketplace terminal
2 Years Ago
A small fix on marketplace terminal
2 Years Ago
Made changes on marketpalce terminal
2 Years Ago
Added marketplace terminal
2 Years Ago
Updated material settings for the coaling collector
2 Years Ago
Fixed the LODs settings for coaling tower collector
2 Years Ago
Tweaked the LODs settings for the coaling tower collector assets
2 Years Ago
Coaling tower collector
2 Years Ago
Coaling tower collector
2 Years Ago
Deleted coaling tower collector files, will reimport them properly.
2 Years Ago
Coaling tower collector LODs & Colliders
2 Years Ago
Fuel tank and scrap bin collector update
2 Years Ago
Coaling tower collector update
2 Years Ago
Coaling tower collector update (preview)
2 Years Ago
Coaling tower collector update, preview.
2 Years Ago
Added coaling tower collector and placed the assets in the map
2 Years Ago
Added fuel tank and scrap bin collector