
49 Commits over 92 Days - 0.02cph!

7 Months Ago
Ensure MaterialBlocks are rebuilt after the cell allocator buffers are resized
7 Months Ago
Fix 2021 branch compile error
7 Months Ago
update global_networked_bases/2021
8 Months Ago
▌▊▇ ▄▉▇▇ ▄▇▇▍█▄ ▉▆▌▌ █▋ ▅▊▄ ▆█ ▋▉█▌▇▅▋ (▊▊▍█ ▅▌▄ ▌▍▊█ ▍▇▌▆▋▄ ▆▌ ▌▇▊▄▊ ▌█ ▌▇▄ ▍▉▊▅▊) ▆▋▄▄ `▅▍▋▉▌▉_▅▅▌▊█▋▇▉▉_▆█▄▊▇▊_▋▍▋▌` ▍ ▄▋▋▋▊█ ▊▄▄▌▄▋ ▋██▋▊▆▌ ▆▊ ▍▅▍▆▅ ▄▋██▄▄ ▊▌▉▇ ▇▄▄▍ `▄▆█▋▅▊▇▆▍` ▌ ▄▊▌▊▇▅ ▊▌▉██▍ ▉▊ ▋▄▄▍▍▅▇ ▉▆▌ ▅▇█ ▇▋▉▌▋▌▉▇ ▇▅ ▄█ ▇▊▉▉ ▉▉▅▊ ▌▍▅▉▇▇ (▋▉▉▇▍█ ▄▊▆▄▍▉▊▅▄▇ ▇▌▄█▉█▌▍ ▋▇▄▊▊ ▇▉▍██)
8 Months Ago
Update global_networked_bases/2021
8 Months Ago
Update global_networked_bases/2021
8 Months Ago
Update global_networked_bases/2021
8 Months Ago
Fix textures of instanced materials occasionally being blurry by requesting mipmap 0 manually
8 Months Ago
C# part of brick color fix wasn't commited
8 Months Ago
Fix brick skin having colored tints like container skin
8 Months Ago
Undo "CreatePrefab" debug changes accidently commited
8 Months Ago
Update global_networked_bases/2021
8 Months Ago
Fixed door placeholder being shown when leaving network range of door attached to tugboat / parented entity
8 Months Ago
Fixed instancing preprocess trying to convert monuments, throwing errors when monument prefabs are spawned
8 Months Ago
Update global_networked_bases/2021
8 Months Ago
Fix #iF UNITY_2021
8 Months Ago
Update global_networked_bases/2021
8 Months Ago
Split InstancedPrefabConverter into 2 classes Fix compile errors
8 Months Ago
Update global_networked_bases/2021
8 Months Ago
Fix multidraw convar so it's enabled by default Cache meshes so we don't copy the same one to the GPU multiple times Add memory usage of multidraw buffer
8 Months Ago
Fix shaders to make cliffs work with multidraw Set default mode of copying meshes via GPU (CPU mode has incorrect indicies for cliffs)
8 Months Ago
Fix compile error
8 Months Ago
Update global_networked_bases/2021
8 Months Ago
Update global_networked_bases/2021
8 Months Ago
Ensure mesh is uploaded to the GPU before we copy it to our ComputeBuffer
8 Months Ago
Update global_networked_bases/2021
8 Months Ago
Merge gpu_copy_mesh -> global_networked_bases/2021
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Fix compile errors in 2021
8 Months Ago
Update global_networked_bases/2021
8 Months Ago
Merge from multidraw -> global_networked_bases/2021
8 Months Ago
Update global_networked_bases/2021
8 Months Ago
Update global_networked_bases/2021
9 Months Ago
Update global_networked_bases/2021
9 Months Ago
Define ComputeBuffer mode in seperate class Remove `BeginWrite()` and `EndWrite()` because it magically doesn't work and the one ComputeBuffer still using it is pretty small anyways
9 Months Ago
2021 compile fixes
9 Months Ago
Update global_networked_bases/2021
9 Months Ago
Added warning instead of error when calling BeginWrite twice Fixed typo and assigning IndirectArgs twice (instead of IndirectExtraArg)
9 Months Ago
Reimplement BeginWrite / EndWrite & 2021 compile errors fixed
9 Months Ago
Update global_networked_bases/2021
10 Months Ago
Update global_networked_bases/2021
10 Months Ago
Fix 2021 to use BeginWrite() & EndWrite() on the two new ComputeBuffers (IndirectArgs & InstanceOffsets)
10 Months Ago
Update global_networked_bases/2021
10 Months Ago
Update global_networked_bases/2021
10 Months Ago
Update global_networked_bases/2021
10 Months Ago
ComputeBuffer.BeginWrite will call warning if it is called twice before EndWrite is called
10 Months Ago
Use ComputeBuffer.BeginWrite() when in 2021, fallback to ComputeBuffer.SetData() in 2019 (mainly for the editor)
10 Months Ago
Update global_networked_bases/2021
10 Months Ago
Grab 2021 fixes