
8 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

10 Months Ago
Copy original computebuffer when expanding cells
10 Months Ago
Handle meshes that don't have a shadow proxy
10 Months Ago
Copy paste LOD scaling back when zooming in & based on "Object Quality" slider
10 Months Ago
Cull meshes based on camera's frustum & cull shadows based on the "sun's frustum" Store bools in bit flags inside culling GPU data
10 Months Ago
Culling shader actually works now! Fix errors when deleting meshes (related to syncing data to the gpu)
10 Months Ago
Although culling is completely incorrect, it writes to IndirectArgs correctly inside the computeshader & renders some parts of the base correct
10 Months Ago
Checkin before I break anything
10 Months Ago
Grab initial attempt at gpu culling from a shelf